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營業秘密保護及其訴訟程序之國際討會 International Conference on Trade Secrets Protection and Litigation

* 研討會時間:2014年 11月 14日(星期五) 9:00~17:10
* 研討會地點:台大集思會議中心國際會議廳 / 台北市羅斯福路4段85號B1 /(02) 2363-5868

*主辦單位:國立臺灣大學 / 財團法人台大法學基金會

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報名網址: http://goo.gl/SPDqDu / 議程請自行下載.
活動聯絡 E-mail: [email protected]
報名截止日期: 2014年 11月 12日,限額300人.(若額滿提前截止報名)


因營業秘密洩漏而影響企業及國家之競爭力、衝擊技術創新、投資與經濟發展之情況,逐漸受到各國重視。我國於2013年初修正營業秘密法及增定刑事處罰、2014年6月於智慧財產案件審理法增定第10-1條營業秘密訴訟之訴訟協力義務規定,除此之外,美國及歐盟新近亦相繼提出增修法律議案,以制裁營業秘密侵害情事,尤其是來自於中國或其他新興國家之經濟間諜(economic espionage)問題。

International Conference on Trade Secrets Protection and Litigation
November 14 (Friday), 2014
From 9:00 to 17:10
GIS NTU Convention Center,International Convention Center
B1F., No.85, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd.,Zhongzheng Dist.,
Taipei City 100, Taiwan R.O.C.

In the era of knowledge economy, different intellectual property has its uniqueness and significant value that works in complementing and supporting one another. From the viewpoint that IP protection is necessarily required and made to prevent businesses’ loss in competitiveness, importance of trade secrets has been exceeding what we have seen in patent and copyright, provided that its function is to complement and provide a better and complete protection. Uniqueness of trade secrets is on its exceptional nature that it can loss its secrecy once it is disclosed or divulged that cannot be given back. This is in addition to the fact that trade secrets require no tangible medium to acquire protection. Proving trade secrets infringement and protecting its secrecy are therefore very likely difficult.
In recent years, as the result of globalization, industrial sectors including both upstream and downstream are seen thoroughly divided, their competitive relationship nowadays becomes lucid. Day by day, both of the sectors have been working even closer. Interaction and transfer of technology and personnel now tend to be more frequent than before. Undeniably, these raise some concerns with regard to trade secrets infringement, being observed through an increasing volume of litigation cases, level of its complexity and influence, frequency of violation, and also the scope of infringement that becomes broader. Thus, how one legal system can strengthen trade secrets protection in this era is becoming more important.
Because the divulgence or loss of trade secrets can in fact influence enterprises’ and nation’s competitiveness as well as their potentiality of creating innovative technology, gradually, many countries have then given more importance to the efficiency of their trade secrets laws. In Taiwan, the law was amended in 2013 to impose criminal liability to the infringement of trade secrets, followed by the latest amendment of the Intellectual Property Case Adjudication Act in June 2014 to add the provision of “specific defense” in Article 10-1. Recently, there were proposals being made in the US and EU to amend trade secrets laws to particularly handle with cases of economic espionage.
The conference is therefore organized and held to discuss on the issue of trade secrets protection and legal system in various jurisdictions, including the US, Germany, Japan, and Taiwan, and some potential difficulties in their litigation procedures in order to protect businesses from damages and infringement. Experiences can so learn from invited experts and practitioners.

Organized by : College of Law, National Taiwan University 、 NTU Law Foundation
Co-organized by: Center for Law and Technology and Ethics, College of Law, National Taiwan
University、Taiwan Law Society Intellectual Property Law Committee、
Taiwan Patent Attorneys Association、The Taiwan Law Review


地點:台北市羅斯福路4段85號B1 (台大集思會議中心 國際會議廳)
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