Future Earth Asian Perspective Symposium on Air Pollution Transdisciplinary Collaboration (Feb. 29-Mar. 1, 2016)
This symposium is sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Executive Yuan and co-organized by the Center for Sustainability Science, Academia Sinica; Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica; and Future Earth, Taipei.
Future Earth is a major scientific endeavor supported by International Council for Science (ICSU) and its partners in sustainability science. In this Future Earth Asian Perspective Symposium, Academician CH Liu will give an opening remark and President YT Lee will give a plenary presentation. Directors of Future Earth in Asia Regional Office and six members of Regional Advisory Committee of Future Earth in Asia, Regional Office will also attend. The current status of “Future Earth” will be introduced in the first morning. Welcome all researchers or stakeholders who are interested in Future Earth to attend this symposium.
In addition to introducing Future Earth, we would like to focus on air pollution which is a major problem in Asia and to establish air pollution transdisciplinary collaboration under the framework of Future Earth in Asia for sustainable development. Thus, we have invited scholars from 13 different Asian areas to present the status of air pollution and related research in their countries and potential transdisciplinary collaboration. Afterward, representatives from stakeholders" group will also give their perspectives. Followed by discussion sessions of break-out groups on the second day. Welcome all scientists and stakeholders who are interested in air pollution transdisciplinary collaboration (air pollution and health, air pollution and society, etc.) to attend this symposium and speak on your perspective during the discussion sessions!
Looking forward to seeing you in the symposium!
中央研究院永續科學中心、中研院環境變遷研究中心及「未來地球」中華民國委員會聯合舉辦本次研討會[Future Earth Asian Perspective Symposium on Air Pollution Transdisciplinary Collaboration] ,本次會議承蒙科技部經費支持。
「未來地球(Future Earth) 」是國際科學理事會(International Council for Science, ICSU)及其重要永續科學夥伴近年主推的重點科研活動,此次未來地球亞洲觀點研討會將由「未來地球 (Future Earth) 」中華民國委員會主任委員劉兆漢院士致歡迎詞並且由前ICSU主席李遠哲院士以精彩的演講拉開序幕。未來地球亞洲區域辦公室(Future Earth in Asia, Regional Office )及其顧問委員會亦將組團全程參與此盛會,顯見該委員會對臺灣的重視,他們也將介紹Future Earth的國際活動現況及發展。
本次活動的焦點議題為空氣污染,第一天下午將由亞洲13個地區的代表報告各地區空氣污染研究及可能之跨界合作機會。第二天的重點活動是與會者與演講者共同分組討論如何在Future Earth in Asia的架構下推展空氣污染之跨界合作(如空污與健康、空污與社會等)。歡迎對空氣污染跨界研究有興趣之學者專家及年輕學子踴躍參與,貢獻您們的意見及想法,並藉此研討會讓臺灣未來能有更多機會參與國際研究計畫!
*李遠哲 院士 President YT LEE, Immediate Past President of International Council for Science (ICSU)
*劉兆漢 院士 Academician Dr. C.H. LIU, Academia Sinica; Chair, Committee of Future Earth, Taipei
*Prof. Tetsuzo YASUNARI, Director General, Research Institute of Humanity and Nature (RIHN), Kyoto
*Prof. Nordin HASAN, Chair, Regional Advisory Committee, Future Earth in Asia; Director, ICSU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Kuala Lumpur
*Prof. Hiroshi TANIMOTO, Chair, Committee of International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC)- Monsoon Asia and Oceania Networking Group (MANGO); Head, Global Atmospheric Chemistry Section, National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan
For the sake of environmental protection, please bring your water bottles during the symposium. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
For transportation information:
- Academia Sinica https://www.sinica.edu.tw/location.htm
Further information about the symposium:
- Center for Sustainability Science, Academia Sinica http://www.cfss.sinica.edu.tw/CH/about.html
- Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica http://www.rcec.sinica.edu.tw/index.php?action=news&cid=3
- 中央研究院 https://www.sinica.edu.tw/location.htm
- 中央研究院 永續科學中心 http://www.cfss.sinica.edu.tw/CH/about.html
- 中央研究院 環境變遷研究中心 http://www.rcec.sinica.edu.tw/index.php?action=news&cid=3
For further questions, please email to Shih-Ying Chen (assistant, Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica) by "sychen15121@gate.sinica.edu.tw". Thank you!
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如有問題歡迎email至sychen15121@gate.sinica.edu.tw或電洽02-26539885#856 中研院環境變遷研究中心助理陳詩穎。