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2019 Ultra-Trail® M.t Guguan 谷關越野 (Period C)



2019 Ultra-Trail®M.t Guguan

 【活動簡章 - 請詳閱】

Race Information




To promote Taiwan Guguan’s beautiful scenery, the forest routes.

To promote environmental Ultra Trail, self-supply ultra trail running culture.


Organizer :


Taiwan Ultra Runners



勝宏科技 , 小鬍子冒險學校

A.S.P xhz


Event Date :

2019年04月26日 08:00 ~ 2019年04月28日 17:00。

2019April, 26. 08:00 to 28. 17:00

五、活動地點 :



(台中市和平區東關路一段松鶴三巷100號之3   電話: 04-25941948)

No.100-3,Songhe 3rd Ln., Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City 424, Taiwan(R.O.C.)



Race Routes:

G1 (27km +2120m)  9hr30min

古拉斯(Kulaos 685m) → 德芙蘭步道 ( Tefulan Trail ) →東卯山(Tungma 1690m)→ 德芙蘭步道 ( TefulanTrail ) → 古拉斯(Kulaos 685m)

G3 (46km +4270m)  18hr

古拉斯(Kulaos 685m) → 八仙山(Basian 2366m)→ 唐麻丹山(Tangmadan 1305m)→ 古拉斯(Kulaos 685m)→  德芙蘭步道 ( Tefulan Trail ) → 東卯山 2km(Tungma 1690m)→ 德芙蘭步道 ( Tefulan Trail ) →古拉斯(Kulaos 685m)

New G4 (62km +5840m)  24hr

古拉斯(Kulaos 685m) → 德芙蘭步道 ( Tefulan Trail ) →東卯山 2 K (Tungma )→ 德芙蘭步道 ( Tefulan Trail ) → 古拉斯(Kulaos 685m)→八仙山(Basian 2366m)

→唐麻丹山(Tangmadan 1305m)→ 阿冷山前峰(A Leng Peak 1520m)→阿冷山(A Leng 1540m)→白毛山(Baimao 1522m)→唐麻丹山前(beforTangmadan)→ 古拉斯(Kulaos 685m)

Small G7 (81km +8020m) 32hr

古拉斯(Kulaos 685m)→ 東卯山(Tungma 1690m)→ 屋我尾山(Wuwowei 1796m)→ 波津加山(Pojinjia 1772m)→涉溪(Across the Waterway) → 古拉斯(Kulaos685m)→ 八仙山(Basian 2366m)→ 唐麻丹山(Tangmadan1305m)→ 阿冷山前峰(A Leng Peak 1520m)

→ 阿冷山(A Leng 1540m)→ 白毛山(Baimao 1522m)→ 阿冷山前峰(A Leng Peak 1520m)→ 唐麻丹山前(beforTangmadan)→古拉斯(Kulaos 685m)

Super G8 (106km +10430m) 40hr

古拉斯(Kulaos 685m)→ 東卯山(Tungma 1690m)→ 屋我尾山(Wuwowei 1796m)→ 波津加山(Pojinjia 1772m)→馬崙山(Ma Lun 2305m)→ 涉溪(Across theWaterway) → 古拉斯(Kulaos 685m)→ 八仙山(Basian 2366m)→ 唐麻丹山(Tangmadan 1305m)

→ 阿冷山前峰(A Leng Peak 1520m)→ 阿冷山(A Leng 1540m)→白毛山(Baimao 1522m)→ 阿冷山前峰(A Leng Peak 1520m)→唐麻丹山前(beforTangmadan)→ 古拉斯(Kulaos 685m)

路線圖 :

(大會提供詳細GPS 電腦檔,選手需自備 GPS 裝置)

Routes Map:

GPS Map will beprovided by the organizer, participants must bring GPS devices forself-navigation.

G1 (No application for ITRA points)

Map: https://goo.gl/HXoEuY

GPX: https://goo.gl/4jGSVd

KML: https://goo.gl/8owfHy

G3 (ITRA-3 / Mt.-13 / Finisher-290)

TracedeTrail: https://tracedetrail.fr/en/trace/trace/72389

Map: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/26520551

GPX: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/26520551.gpx?sub_format=track

KML: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/26520551.kml

New G4 (ITRA-4 / Mt.-13 / Finisher-310)

TracedeTrail: https://tracedetrail.fr/en/trace/trace/72390

Map: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/28991360

GPX: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/28991360.gpx?sub_format=track

KML: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/28991360.kml

Small G7 (ITRA-5 / Mt.-14 / Finisher-350)

TracedeTrail: https://tracedetrail.fr/en/trace/trace/73110

Map: https://goo.gl/1tRXx6

GPX: https://goo.gl/GJVZjB

KML: https://goo.gl/z2NYdS

Super G8 (ITRA-6 / Mt.-14 / Finisher-400)

TracedeTrail: https://tracedetrail.fr/en/trace/trace/73109

Map: https://goo.gl/PfW9WM

GPX: https://goo.gl/7NA1u2

KML : https://goo.gl/F29CGQ



Registration Details:

(一)  報名日期:

2018年11月08日 00:00 起至2019年01月18日23:59止或額滿將提前截止。

階段A (2018年11月08日 00:00 起至2018年11月30日23:59止,含繳款)

階段B (2018年12月08日 00:00 起至2018年12月28日23:59止,含繳款)

階段C (2019年01月01日 00:00 起至2019年01月18日23:59止,含繳款)


November8th ,2018, /00:00—until—Januanry 18th ,2019, /23:59

(All according to the registration time cut off or when each group is filled).

Period A

(November8th ,2018, /00:00—until—November 30th ,2018, /23:59 ,Including payment)

Period B

(December8th ,2018, /00:00—until—December 28th ,2018, /23:59 ,Including payment)

Period C

(Januanry1st ,2019, /00:00—until—Januanry 18th ,2019, /23:59 ,Including payment)

(二)  報名費:



(Period A/Period B/ Period C)

G1 (27km +2120m)  9hr30min


G3 (46km +4270m)  18hr


G4 (62km +5840m)  24hr


Small G7 (81km +8020m) 32hr


Super G8 (106km +10430m) 40hr


(三)  一律網路報名: 不接受現場報名。

All registration process through the internet and we do not accept onsite registration.

(四)  參加資格:


G1/ G3 / G4

體驗組 / ITRA-3 / ITRA-4  :

凡身心健康,年齡 65 歲(含)以下,對路跑有興趣之中外人士,均可報名參加。


Healthy, the age of 65 or below, interested in ultra-trail.

This route is considered to be dangerous; participants must evaluate all possibilities including self-health.

SmallG7 (ITRA-5)  :

2016/11/01~2018/10/31兩年內至少累積需達(含) 8 點 且最多兩場,

審查不符者將自動降為 G4 (ITRA-4) 組,且不退還差額費用。

You must have obtained a minimum of 8 points in a maximum of 2 races between November 01, 2016 and October 31, 2018.

(Note:8 points in 3 or more races do not mean qualified.)

Discrepancies review group will be automatically reduced to 

"G4(ITRA-4)", the cost difference will not be refunded.

SuperG8 (ITRA-6)  :


1.完成 2018Small G7 者.

2.2016/11/01~2018/10/31  兩年內至少累積需達(含) 14 點 且最多三場,

審查不符者將自動降為 Small G7 (ITRA-5)  或 G4 (ITRA-4) 組,且不退還差額費用。

Subject to the following one.

1. 2018 Small G7 finisher.

2. You must have a minimum of 14 points in a maximum of 3 races between November 01, 2016 and October 31, 2018.

(Note:14 points in 4 or more races do not mean qualified.)

Discrepancies review group will be automatically reduced to "Small G7 (ITRA-5)" or"G4 (ITRA-4)" category race, the cost difference will not be refunded


These routes are considered to be dangerous; participants must evaluate all possibilities including self-health.

個人歷年完賽記錄可在此查詢 : (Small G7 和 Super G8 必要條件)

You can search pass few years Race Result from the website below.

 (Small G7 & Super G8 Must show it)


(五)  完成報名手續(繳費完成者),不得以任何理由要求退費或更名取代,請慎重考慮!

When participates completed registration and payment, the method of participates’s name and payment cannot be changed. We will not accept any reason to get a refund. Please consider thoroughly before registration.

(六)  活動聯絡人:

Organizer contact:


FB帳號: Bill Ku  聯絡電話 : 0928-621-236

如有任何問題,以E-mail : bill.yesmetoo@gmail.com聯絡。

Bill Ku

FB: Bill Ku  Mobile: 0928-621-236

Organizer contact email: bill.yesmetoo@gmail.com

(七) 本活動不分年齡組別,無完成獎牌,

僅提供完走證書(電子檔 JPG格式)於Taiwan Ultra Runners 相本中供參賽者自行下載。

This event will not be categorized as an age group.

Finisher will only receive the electronic certificate and will need to download from organizer FB "TaiwanUltra Runners".


Award :


Wait for second


Groups Check-in Date and Time at venue

台中市谷關松鶴部落古拉斯(Kulaos of Taichung)

(台中市和平區東關路一段松鶴三巷100號之3   電話: 04-25941948)

No.100-3, Songhe 3rd Ln., Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City 424, Taiwan(R.O.C.)

Phone:04-25941948/Phone: 04-25942938

請參與選手切記自己組別的報到/裝檢/寄物時間, 賽會僅在規定時段辦理相關事項.

** Please make sure you do know all the race procedure, if you were missed we are sorry, you will be disqualified from this race. **


Runners Check-in time and Mandatory Equipment check for each group :

SuperG8 / Small G7 :

報到/裝檢:2019/04/26 星期五下午16:00-18:00

Friday, April 26th,2019 16:00-18:00


SuperG8 Baggage storage time : 22:00-23:30

開賽時間:2019 /04/27/星期六/00:00

RaceStart: Saturday April 27th ,2019, 00:00

SmallG7 寄物時間:2019/04/27星期六07:00-07:50

SmallG7 Baggage storage time:  

Saturday, April 27th, 2019 07:00-07:50

開賽時間:2019 /04/27/星期六/08:00

RaceStart : Saturday April 27th ,2019, 08:00



Saturday April 27th ,2019, 09:00-12:00


G4Baggage storage time:15:30-16:20


RaceStart: Saturday April 27th ,2019,16:30



Saturday April 27th ,2019, 13:30-15:00


G3Baggage storage time:20:30-21:50


RaceStart: Saturday April 27th ,2019,22:00


G1Baggage storage time:Sunday April 28th, 2019/06:00-06:50


RaceStart: Sunday, April 28th, 2019/07:00

All the runners have a responsibility to remember check-time and Date, we will not accept any reason to open the check-in counter which is not “check-in time”.


Board and Meals information:

以下為 Google 連結 ( From Google search )




Rules and Regulations :

(一)  路線距離、海拔高度參考、補給位置、關門點時間和賽程時間表:

Routesdistance、Elevation Chart、Refreshments、Cutoff Time and Race Schedule :


Reference and download.


英語版交通指引 (Transportation Guide): Download


There is not have any indicators on the route, only mountaineering cloth, participants must be familiar with the route map beforehand.

終點 :

EndPoint :

G1 (27km +2120m)  9hr 30min

G3 (46km +4270m)  18hr

G4 (62km +5840m)  24hr

Small G7 (81km +8020m) 32hr

Super G8 (106km +10430m) 40hr

無法完成全程之選手,請自行經台 8 線步行 返回終點。

For those who do not reach within the time limit,

participants need to follow Taiwan Express 8 lane back to the Venue

(二)  跑者隨身攜帶強制性裝備如下,且最低重量不得少於 2.5 公斤,

全程不得低於 1.5 公斤,各檢核點或補給站均可隨時【抽查強制性裝備】和重量,如有不符合要求者,立即喪失參加資格:

The weight of your equipment must be a minimum of 2.5kg at the start of the race.

Your equipment must weigh a minimum of 1.5kg at all times along the race course.

If you do not have the mandatory equipment, you will be disqualified from the race.




You are responsible for bringing clothing/gear that provides adequate warmth and rain protection.

Make sure you’ve trained with the gear that you intend to use during the race up in the mountains at high altitude, as well as in heavy rain (these are the conditions you may encounter during the race).

Make absolutely sure that your clothing/gear will protect you under these severe conditions.

You will be required to show your gear at the mandatory equipment check, however, you will be responsible for deciding whether your clothing/gear is adequate to protect you during the race.

1.路線地圖,可由谷關越野官網或簡章之路線圖連結下載 GPX/KML 地圖檔,

安裝於手機導航軟體中如 Orux.MapsViewRanger...等並熟悉其操作。


1.Course map.  You can download GPX files from UTMG website or [Routes Map] URL, installed in mobile navigation off-line map software in such as Orux.Maps, ViewRanger or any familiar with its operation.

You must ensure that the phone is fully charged before the start and carry separate power charge all the way with you.  

Your phone must be power on during the race, it’s unacceptable the phone power off when staff has to check your phone.

2.個人環保杯和食具,最少 150 cc 容量,各補給站將不提供水杯和食具。

2.Personal cup and tableware for hot/cold drinks at refreshments/aid stations(minimum 150cc size).

Paper cups and tableware will not be provided at the refreshments/aid stations.

3.水,各站出發前不得少於 1.5 公升(含起點)。

3.Water (you must carry a minimum of 1.5L of water at the start line and upon leaving each aid station)



5.兩組頭燈 (含備用電池)  或 一組頭燈一組手電筒 (含備用電池) 

5.2 lights with replacement batteries for both lights.

6.急救毯 (最小尺寸至少 130 公分 x 200 公分)

6.Survival blanket (minimum size of 130cm x 200cm)





9.強力布膠帶 (最小長度至少 80 公分 x 3 公分寬) ,用於緊急情況,如鞋子、衣褲、背包...等破損、或骨折固定之類。

9.Bi-directional fiber cloth tape/band (minimum length of 80cm x 3cm)

  Bring strong tape that can be used during emergencies such as injuries (e.g. broken bones) as well as emergency repairs(e.g broken equipment)


10.Waterproof rain jacket with hood & rain pants or light raincoat.


*糖兩顆 (必須, 若選手低血糖時可以緊急使用,用小夾鏈袋裝,低血糖會致命,故強力推薦,當選手有頭昏眼花時就可以吃)

*優點棉片 (必須, 可作為小外傷傷口消毒)

*新黴素/消炎軟膏 (必須, 可以用在小外傷又避免傷口泡水,可用小盒子分裝,建議用小夾鏈袋裝,因為比較油怕沾到透氣膠帶)

*抗組織胺抗過敏藥品 (避免蜂螫後之過敏性休克)

*透氣膠帶 (必須, 預防磨傷,包紮等,可以用吸管卷一小段即可)

*大力膠帶 (必須, 若有撕裂傷時可以將傷口拉緊當止血,或是身上有衣物或背包需修理)

*3 c.c.空針筒 (必須, 清潔傷口時可當強力水柱,清潔比較快速又有效果,比棉棒好)若願意,25cc空針筒更佳,但佔空間。

*飲用水 (野外清潔傷口用,若有帶優點,則可加入一些當消毒用,更棒)

*彈性繃帶 (用於外傷扭傷的固定與包紮法)

*中型夾鏈袋 (必須,可以裝處理後的廢棄物)

*小棉棒 (建議)

*個人藥物 (建議)

11.Personal first-aid kit

        *     candy(**required**)

        *     Povidone-iodine prep pad (**required**)

        *     Neomycin ointment / anti-inflammatory (**required**)

        *     Micropore surgical tape (**required**)

        *     Antihistamine antiallergic drugs (avoiding anaphylactic shock after the bee sting)

        *     Duct tape (**required**)

        *     3c.c. Injection syringe (**required**)

        *     Physiological saline (**required**)

        *      Elastic bandage (**required**) Ref : VerywellHealth.com

        *     folder chain bag - medium size (**required**)

        *     cotton swabs (optional)

        *     Personal drug (optional)

12. 健保卡或海外旅遊意外險保單 (外籍人士)

12. Health-insurance card or Overseas travel/accident insurance policy.


13. Flashingreflector light (put this light on your backpack during the race so that cars will be able to see you at night).

14. 現金300元(至少)

14. At least 300NT.

15. 所有強制性裝備必需置入雙肩背包。

15. A backpack rucksack to store all mandatory equipment and other strongly recommended equipment (see following).




*The mandatory equipment list provided here is only the minimum. You will be running in severe conditions, so please ensure that you are well-prepared to manage your own safety and well-being and bring additional gear that you may need to do so.

(You may start the race wearing short sleeves and shorts (i.e. you do not have to wear the mandatory clothing), however, you must carry with you the mandatory clothing with you at all times.

(三)  寄物與其他相關事項:

Baggage storage and others :

有 : 寄物、折返檢核、完成證書(電子檔)、NFC 晶片計時。

沒有 : 拱門、帳棚、更衣室、流動廁所、巡迴裁判、救護站。

Yes: Organizer provides baggage storage, return CP check, e-certificate, NFC chips time check

No: Toilet, tent, medical supply, on-site real-time route patrol

(四)  活動開始時間:

Race starts :


Race starts of each group is different, participants must carry adequate food/liquid supply.

(五)  參加人員務必考量本身之健康狀況,活動期間若發生任何意外事件,跑者應自行負責。

Participants must carefully evaluate self-ability and self-health before joining this race.

Ultimately also be a responsible runner

(六)  活動已為參加人員投保旅行平安保險(每位選手意外險200萬),



The organizer has insured for each individual for accidental insurance of 2M NT.

Organizers will not responsible for participant’s inherited illness.

And insurance will not be responsible for the undisclosed illness such as heat-exhaustion or heart-related failure.

(七)  活動雨天照常舉行,如遇海陸上颱風警報或不可抗力之天然災害,


The event will continue to be held during the rainy days UNLESS

should there be any government announced typhoon warnings andwith

the organizer’ safety concern for cancellation.

Organizerhas the right to alter and adjust the routes for safety concern.

(八)  若因颱風警報或不可抗力之天然災害,預計順延至2019年5月4日~5日,


If it is due to a typhoon warning or a natural disaster that cannot be resisted we will reschedule the event to 4and 5 of May 2019.

The organizer will not make any refund so please have the above dates available.

(九)  參加人員清楚瞭解長距離跑步風險,也已詳閱簡章內容,所填寫資料內容無誤,保證本人身心健康,自願參加該活動,活動期間若發生任何意外事件,本人願負全責,概與主辦單位無關。

Organizerurges all the participants should understand the risk of ultra trail running.

All the information has been disclosed within this race information.

This event again is to promote healthy, environmental awareness ultra trail running in which we should all evaluate our abilities and health.

And each participant must be responsible for his or her safety.

十二、本活動簡章、規程及相關資訊陸續公佈於 【TUR --> 活動 FB官網 】公佈;若有未盡事宜,得隨時增補修訂之,並以賽會發佈消息為準。

Organizer will continue to announce further information. Participants must continue to pay attention to our link or website FBTaiwan Ultra Runners】.


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BeClass 線上報名系統

2019 Ultra-Trail® M.t Guguan 谷關越野 (Period C) (2019-04-27)(報名截止)
※ 姓名
※ 性別
※ Email
※ 生日
※ 性別(Sex)

※ Tel or Cell Phone Number
Tel or Cell Phone Number
※ Family Name
Family Name (英文姓氏)
※ Name
Name (英文名字)
※ Full Name
Full Name (英文全名)
請注意大小寫 , 填後主辦單位不另行為跑友更改 !
※ Country Name
Country Name
※ Country code
3 letter IOC country code.(IAAF)
Country Code (Ex : TPE , CHN ...)
※ ID or Passport Number
ID or Passport Number
※ Blood type

※ Emergency Contact Person Name
Emergency Contact Person Name
※ Emergency Contact Phone
Emergency Contact Phone
※ Registration
 G1 (27km +2120m) 9hr 30min 、價格:2,200元 
 G3 (46km +4330m) 18hr 、價格:3,300元 
 G4 (63km +6100m) 24hr 、價格:4,400元 
 Small G7 (81km +8690m) 32hr 、價格:5,500元 
 Super G8 (106km +10450m) 40hr 、價格:6,600元 
※ 繳款帳戶

※ Bank Name (銀行名稱 或 代碼)
用以核對繳費金額 , 請詳細填寫 ! (To check the amount of payment.)
※ Bank Account Number (銀行 完整帳號)
用以核對繳費金額 , 請詳細填寫 ! (To check the amount of payment.)
個人歷年完賽記錄 (Your PI from iTRA.)
(Small G7 & Super G8 Must be show it)
Search from: http://i-tra.org/page/278/Performance_Index.html
※ About the Race Information


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