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2021 秋冬學季華德福英文工作坊 2021 Fall and Winter Waldorf English Workshop


【課程簡介】Course Introduction



Speaking and Writing in the Middle School
To truly learn a language, we must have the opportunity to SPEAK it. Grammar rules and vocabulary are important, to be sure, but if these are not used in free speaking and writing, we will forget them quickly. For this reason, conversation or ‘free speech’ should be a part of every English lesson from grade 5 on.

In this series of mini-workshops, I will present many examples of short, lively speaking exercises and activities to use in the Middle School classroom (G5-8). These practical techniques can be applied to most any grammatical structure, vocabulary, or reading material your students are working on. We will then explore how these classroom activities, which have now sparked the interest of the students, can be used toward creative writing assignments.

In addition, one of our mini-workshops will be devoted to parents, including helpful suggestions on ways they can promote their child’s English learning at home.


Course Schedule

9/18/2021(六) 口說及寫作練習文法結構
9/25/2021(六) 如何活用新舊英文單字
10/2/2021(六) 給家長的英文陪伴建議 (有中文翻譯)
12/4/2021(六) 如何運用英文讀本
12/11/2021(六) 創意的對話練習
12/18/2021(六) 如何應用課堂任務、報告及活動
*本課程將全程使用Google Meet視訊軟體,課程開始前1天,我們將會寄發線上課程連結

9/18/2021(Sat): Speaking and writing to practice grammatical structures
9/25/2021(Sat): Activating new and old vocabulary
10/2/2021(Sat): Suggestions for the parents (with Chinese translation)
12/4/2021(Sat): Working with the reader
12/11/2021(Sat): Creative dialogue practice
12/18/2021(Sat): Projects, reports and classroom activities
*Course Time: 21:00-22:30 (Taiwan Time)
*Only the third course will be taught with Chinese translation, and the other 5 courses will be taught in English without Chinese translation.
*This workshop will be fully online using Google Meet.  You will receive a link to the lesson 1 days before the workshop start.


Lecturer Introduction: Susan Masterson


Susan Masterson is a Waldorf English teacher with rich teaching experience. She is an expert at the English language and is also fluent in German and French. Susan Masterson is a Waldorf English teacher with rich teaching experience. She is an expert at the English language and is also fluent in German and French. She has a complete experience of teaching Grade 2 through Grade 12, college-entrance exam courses, and has taught college-level English courses as well. 

After obtaining a Masters’ degree in Linguistics at the University of Colorado, Susan earned a certificate as a Waldorf English Teacher from the Steiner Teacher Training College in Stuttgart, Germany. The following 14 years she taught English at the Uhlandshoehe, the original Waldorf School founded by Rudolf Steiner in Stuttgart, Germany 100 years ago. There she taught students of all ages and organized cultural activities. In 2011 Susan returned to Colorado, USA to design summer language courses and provide opportunities for German high school students to learn English in the United States. In the last seven years, Susan has devoted much of her time to visiting Waldorf Schools in Asia (Taiwan, Japan and Mainland China), where she has given numerous workshops as well as mentoring English faculties.

【授課對象】This workshop is ideal for

1.Practicing Waldorf Teachers

2.People who are interested in teaching English in a Waldorf way




Full rate USD 75

Early bird rate USD 60 (If payments and registrations aree received before August 20, 2021).

Single course rate USD 15
(the fees above excluding bank processing charges)

【繳費方式】How to pay?

International Payment Information
Bank: Bank of Taiwan (004)

Branch: North Kaohsiung Branch

Swift Code: BKTWTWTP255
Account No.: 255-00705307-5

Account Name: Chang, Mei-Yung

【聯絡資訊】Contact Info



Organized by: Kuang He Waldorf School

Contact: Yinghsin Chang
Phone: +886 7 7885128 (contact time: Mon.-Fri. 8:00-17:00)
EMAIL: waldorf.kh@gmail.com


地點:高雄市大寮區至學路288號 (光禾華德福實驗學校)
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BeClass 線上報名系統

2021 秋冬學季華德福英文工作坊 2021 Fall and Winter Waldorf English Workshop(報名截止)
※ 姓名
※ 聯絡電話
※ 英文姓名
※ 任教單位
※ Line ID
※ 課程/Course
 六堂原價Full rate 、價格:2,000元 
 早鳥價Early bird rate 、價格:1,600元 
》報名期間 2021-08-09 00:002021-08-20 23:30
 9/18/2021(Sat) 口說及寫作練習文法結構 、價格:400元 
 9/25/2021(Sat) 如何活用新舊英文單字 、價格:400元 
 10/2/2021(Sat) 給家長的英文陪伴建議 (有中文翻譯) 、價格:400元 
 12/4/2021(Sat) 如何運用英文讀本 、價格:400元 
 12/11/2021(Sat) 創意的對話練習 、價格:400元 
 12/18/2021(Sat) 如何應用課堂任務、報告及活動 、價格:400元 
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※ 匯款帳號後5碼

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