In recent yaers, the variety of disasters has changed and has a wide range of inpacts. In addition to the well-known natural disasters, epidemics, armed conflicts and terrorist attacks are even more concerns. Prolonged contingency support, medical action in a dangerous and resource-limited enviroment are all situations that may be faced in the future. Taiwan's disaster medical response system has always been promoting regional disaster emergency response capabilitys, including community first aid education, education and traning,regional disaster response drills at all levels, and responsible hospital disaster medical response team traning. When challenged by a catastrophic event, we should begin to make changes and preparations to increase our capacity and resilience. This symposium hopes to expand our new thinking on the future medical responseby sharing with foreign experts about the views and experiences of different response systems.
二、指導單位 Supervisor:
衛生福利部(Ministry of Health and Welfare)
三、主辦單位 Organizer:
衛生福利部桃園醫院(Taoyuan general Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare)
四、承辦單位 Executive Organizer:
桃園醫院急診醫學部(Taoyuan general Hospital Emergency Medical Department)
五、協辦單位 Executive Co-organizer:
社團法人台灣災難醫療隊發展協會(Taiwan development association for disaster medical teams)
六、時間 Date:
2022年12月04日(December 4th,2022 ) 08:30~16:40
七、地點 Place:
八、參與對象 Participants:
本院同仁、相關領域研究者、醫療人員、相關行政機關人員、對災難醫療應變有興趣及實務參與者等,額滿為止。(Colleagues in our hospital, interested in disaster medical response and participants.)
九、活動議程 Agenda:
時間 | 主題topic | 講者speaker | 與談人modulator |
8:30-9:10 | 報到 | ||
9:10-9:30 | 長官致詞與來賓介紹與合影 Speakersand guests introduction groupphoto | ||
9:30-10:20 | 災難醫療應變NGO的角色與新作為:空飛ぶ捜索医療団「ARROWS」 Therole and new actions of NGOs in disaster medical response | Dr.Mototaka Inaba | 鍾亢部長 |
10:20-10:40 | Q&A | ||
10:40-11:00 | Teabreak | ||
11:00-11:50 | 現場醫療站與野戰醫院的差距:我們還能做些什麼 Thegap between medical station on scene to field hospital: what canwe do more | CAPT Andrew H Lin | 翁一銘醫師 |
11:50-12:10 | Q&A | ||
12:10-13:30 | Lunch | ||
13:30-14:20 | EMS與醫院在戰爭時期的運作困境 EMSand hospital Operational problems during the military conflict | Dr.Oleksandr Sokolenko | 簡立建醫師 |
14:20-14:40 | Q&A | ||
14:40-15:00 | Tea-break | ||
15:00-15:50 | 國際人道救援的實務分享: InternationalHumanitarian Aid Experience Sharing | Mr.Huang Chun Yuan | 曾士芬主任 |
15:50-16:10 | Q&A | ||
16:10 | 合影賦歸 |
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