BeClass 線上報名系統

※ 姓名/Name
※ 系級/Dept.(教師請填任教單位)
※ 學號/School No.(教師請填1)
※ 電子信箱/EMAIL
※ 任課教師/Name of your teacher
※ 教材施用班級/Your class
※ 教材施用層級/Your level
※ 教材施用單元
請回答下列問題/Please answer the following questions
1=非常不同意 2= 不同意 3=普通 4=同意 5=非常同意/
1= strongly disagree 2= disagree 3=neutral 4=agree 5=strongly agree
※ 1. 這份教材有助於提升英文能力
1. This textbook helps improve your/students’ English
※ 2. 這份教材有助於提升原住民文化知能
2. This textbook helps improve your/students’ knowledge on indigenous cultures in    Taiwan
※ 3. 這份教材有助於提升英文學習興趣
3. This textbook helps enhance your/students’ interest in learning English
※ 4. 這份教材有助於提升原住民文化學習興趣
4. This textbook helps enhance your/students’ interest in studying indigenous cultures in  Taiwan
※ 5. 文章內容難度適中
5. The readings are of moderate difficulty
※ 6. 文章內容難度過於簡單
6. The readings are too easy
※ 7. 文章內容難度過於困難
7. The readings are too difficult
※ 8. 文章內容長度適中
8. The readings are of moderate length
※ 9. 文章內容長度過長
9. The readings are too long
※ 10. 文章內容長度過短
10. The readings are too short
※ 11. 文章內容生動有趣
11. The readings are interesting
※ 12. 整體而言,教學活動有助於提升英文能力
12. They help improve your/students’ English
※ 13. 整體而言,教學活動有助於複習課程內容
13. They help you/students to review the readings
※ 14. 整體而言,教學活動有助於提升學習英文興趣
14. They help enhance your/students’ interest in learning English
※ 15. 整體而言,教學活動有助於提升學習原住民文化興趣
15. They help enhance your/students’ interest in learning indigenous cultures in Taiwan
※ 16. 整體而言,教學活動活潑多元,符合多元學習目標
16. They are interesting and of great diversity
※ 17. 整體而言,教學活動有助於思考原住民文化議題
17. They help explore issues on indigenous cultures in Taiwan
18-1. 我最喜歡第__大項教學活動
18-1. I like the learning activities of section ________(I, III, IV, V, VI)the best.
18-2.How much you like it (1 to 5)
19-1. 我最不喜歡第__大項教學活動
19-1.I like the learning activities of section ________(I, III, IV, V, VI)the least.
19-2.How much you do not like it (1 to 5)
20. 我認為這份教材最值得稱讚之處
20. What I like the most about the textbook
21. 我認為這份教材最值得改進之處
21. How I think the textbook should be improved/revised
※ 22. 我會將這份教材推薦給其他人使用
22. I will recommend this textbook for the purpose of learning English and/or indigenous cultures in Taiwan
感謝你的意見與回饋!/Many thanks for your feedback!

