※ 姓名或法號(Chinese Name) | |
英文姓名 English Name | |
※ 性別 | |
※ EMAIL | |
※ 生日 |
行動電話 | |
市話 | |
公司電話 | |
傳真 | () |
地址 |
職業 | |
學歷 | |
身分證字號 | |
※ 報名場次/ Date of Course | |
※ 請選擇您使用下列語言情況?Please specify what languages below you can manipulate? | |
※ 有沒有家庭成員或朋友一起參加這一期課程? Do you have family member or friend participating this course? | |
※ 第一次上十日課日期 Date of your first 10-day course | |
※ 地點 Location | |
※ 第一次上十日課老師姓名 Name of the AT/Teacher of your first 10-day course | |
※ 最近一次全程十日(含)以上課程日期 Most recent Full Course Date | |
※ 地點 Location | |
※ 最後一次上十日課老師姓名 Name of the AT/Teacher of your last 10-day course | |
上過10日課次數 Number of 10-day courses taken |
擔任過10日課全程法工次數 Number of 10-day courses Dhamma service taken |
參加過的其他課程(請詳述) Others Courses Sat (Specify) | |
服務過的其他課程(請詳述) Others Courses Served (Specify) | |
※ 從上次參加葛印卡老師或其助理老師所指導的課程之後,您有沒有練習過其它的靜坐/禪修方法(包括其它內觀法)或心理諮商療程或身心靈修療法? | Have you practiced any other meditation techniques (including other Vipassana techniques) or therapeutic techniques since your last course with S.N. Goenka or his assistant teachers? |
※ 您是否教授靜坐禪修療法或替他人治療? | Are you teaching any other meditation techniques (including other types of Vipassana), therapies or healing ? |
※ 從上次參加十日課程之後,您有無繼續練習葛印卡老師所教之內觀方法? | Have you maintained your practice of Vipassana meditation since your last course? |
※ 從上次課程之後,是否遵守五戒? Did you try to keep five precepts since last course? | |
※ 如有需要,您可以提早報到?Can you come early to help with set-up if needed? | |
如果您無法全程參加,請說明到達日期及時間 | |
假如您開車來並願意搭載其他學員,請註明 | |
※ 您有沒有任何身體上的健康問題或疾病? 如:糖尿病、心臟病、癲癇症、高血壓,或傳染病如:肝炎、肺結核、傷寒、愛滋病或帶原者,或是其他…? | Do you have any physical health problems, e.g., diabetes, heart disease, epilepsy, high blood pressure, active communicable diseases such as hepatitis, tuberculosis, typhoid, HIV.+, A.I.D.S., etc.? |
※ 現在或過去,您有沒有精神(心理)方面的問題>呢?如明顯沮喪或焦燥、惶恐、極度沮喪或人格分裂等? | Do you have or have you ever had any mental health problem, e.g., significant depression or anxiety, panic attacks, manic depression, schizophrenia etc.? |
※ 您現在或最近兩年內有沒有服用過醫生處方的藥品? | Are your now taking, or have you taken within the past two years, any prescribed medication? |
※ 您現在或最近兩年內有沒有服食任何酒類或毒品,如大麻,安非他命,巴比妥鹽,古苛鹼,海洛因,或其他麻醉品等? | Are you now taking, or have your taken within the past two years, any drug, e.g., amphetamines, barbiturates, cocaine, heroin, alcohol, or other intoxicants? |
※ 當中心有專業意見(如:食材、工程、起居用品、衛生清潔等)需要徵詢時,請問您願意擔任中心外的諮詢法工嗎? When necessary, are you willing to provide professional advice related to your specialty to Vippasana Centers? | |
請問您的專長為何?或者,需要時您可提供中心何種協助? What、s your speciality, or what kind of assistance related to your profession you could offer? | 中心的各項日常運作、建設均需要各式人才提供您的專業建議。如您能運用空暇時間或是您任職公司所屬服務,使中心可以建設的更好與並提供更佳的服務環境。 |
※ 簽名 Sign | |
※ 請輸入今天日期 Please fill in the date of today | |
團報資料 |
§ 請點此處填寫團體報名資料 |
總金額 | ***元 (依據人數計費:每人元) |