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DYU 104-1 Presentation Contest / 大葉大學104-1 英文簡報競賽



DYU English Presentation Contest
I. Objectives/活動目的
In response to the global job market, the English Presentation Contest held by the International Language Center aims to elevate students’ expression and organization skills through the medium of English. It is also to offer students at Da-Yeh University a platform to observe and communicate. It is hoped that the event can be beneficial to students’ future career and/or study.

II. Organizers/主辦單位
Teaching Excellence Project Center卓越教學與品質保證中心
International Language Center國際語言中心

III. Eligibility/參賽資格
1. Current students at Da-Yeh University.大葉大學在校學生
2. Signing up as a team of two or three persons兩人或三人一組,組隊報名
3. Non-native English speakers 非英文母語人士
IV. How to sign up/報名方式:
Registration via online system / 線上報名系統
報名時間: Sign up time: 即日起至Nov 6

V. Dates/比賽日期
Preliminary phase/初賽: November 16 –20
Final phase/決賽: December 3

VI. Venue/比賽地點
The venue will be announced one week before the contest. 比賽地點將於比賽一週前公布

VII. Procedure/進行方式
1. Topics/競賽主題
Free of choice 自行擬定題目,自由發揮簡報內容
2. Contest rules/比賽細則
a) 3 minutes for the preliminary phase; 6 minutes for the final phase
初賽每組3分鐘; 決賽每組6分鐘
b) Cite references appropriately
c) Every contestant has to present on stage
d) Contestants should make PowerPoint Slides according to their topic. The content should be in English and with clear outline and description.
e) The four levels of students (Advanced, upper-advanced, intermediate and starter) will be separated in the contests.
3. Criteria/ 評分標準
英文演說技巧 (英文表達技巧、音量、眼神交流、肢體語言) 50%
Speaking Skills (Proper usage of English skills, delivery, volume, eye contact and posture) 50%
簡報內容 (開頭介紹、主題發展、結論、簡報設計) 50%
Content (Introduction, topic development, conclusion, and PowerPoint design) 50%

VIII. How to sign up/報名方式:
Registration via online system / 線上報名系統:

IX. Awards/ 獎勵方式
The following awards apply to each level
First place: 1000 NTD per group and an award certificate, 4 extra points to L&S class
Second place: 700 NTD per group and an award certificate, 3 extra points to L&S class
Third place: 500 NTD per group and an award certificate, 2 extra points to L&S class
Outstanding effort: 300 NTD per group and an award certificate, 1 extra point to L&S class

※ If two groups receive the same score, the ranking will be determined by the higher scores of (1) English speaking skills and (2) content of presentation, accordingly.

第一名: 每組頒發1000元獎金及獎狀,英文聽力與口說課程總分加4分
第二名: 每組頒發700元獎金及獎狀,英文聽力與口說課程總分加3分
第三名: 每組頒發500元獎金及獎狀,英文聽力與口說課程總分加2分
佳作(一組): 每組頒發300元獎金及獎狀,英文聽力與口說課程總分加1分

※ 遇有同分情形時,以 (1)英語演說技巧及表達能力 (2)簡報內容的得分高低順序決定名次。

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DYU 104-1 Presentation Contest / 大葉大學104-1 英文簡報競賽 (2015-11-16)(報名截止)
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※ 學號 Student ID
※ 英文分級 English Level

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