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Booking Form for The Ascension Conference, Chiang Mai/ 2016清邁揚升會議報名表(國際版)



【Booking Form for The Ascension Conference, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2016/ 2016泰國清邁揚升會議報名表】

By Cobra and Isis 主講人: 柯博拉(Cobra) & 愛希斯.阿斯塔拉(Isis Astara)

Thank you for expressing for an interest in attending "The Ascension Conference, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2016". Seats are limited. For this reason we are unable to “hold” your booking pending receipt of payment. We must receive your booking fee of 7400 TWD (200 EUR) or 4650 TWD (125 EUR) to confirm your booking. So please pay for the booking fee first, and then fill out the booking form. The booking fee is including lunch (vegetarian lunch), snacks & tea. Please provide us with the following details so that we can process your booking.

感謝您有興趣參與【2016年清邁揚升會議】。由於席位有限,恕不接受您的預約。我們必須收到您7,400台幣(TWD)(200歐元)或4650台幣(TWD) (125歐元)的全額款項後才能確認訂位,所以請您先繳費之後再填寫報名表。費用內含午餐(全素)及茶點。請於下方填寫詳細資料以方便主辦單位作業。感謝您!

About Chiang Mai’s Ascension Conference, we "International Golden Age Group"(Global Chinese PFC Group) are the co-worker to the host (Thailand Team). We will deal with all the money collection and registration process. So please DO NOT directly transfer conference fee to the host or make registration with the host. It may cause some confusion and missing about your payment and registration.

For more information about " The Ascension Conference, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2016" , please link to:
更多訊息,請連結到 :
English ( 英文 ) : http://portal2012.org/Thailand.html
Chinese ( 中文 ) : https://www.golden-ages.org/2016/06/04/4232/

【About Conference Venue】【關於會議地點】
Our conference venue is in Chiang Mai’s suburb, not in the center of the city. It is at a big and beautiful resort. This is a very big 4 stars resort, beautiful gardens, big lake and 4 swimming pools. Hope you can enjoy it. When you complete the payment and registration, we will give you the detailed information about the conference Venue.

【About accommodation】【關於住宿】
If you need more information about accommodation, please contact Mr. Ran. Email: nathawat07@yahoo.com
From the beginning of July, the summer vacation has started. So it will be more and more difficult to book the hotel in Chiang Mai. Please book your hotel ASAP.
如果您需要更多住宿的訊息,請聯絡: Ran先生,mail: nathawat07@yahoo.com 。如果您不方便用英文聯繫Ran先生,請直接聯繫下列信箱: goldenage777777@gmail.com

【About Payment】【關於付款】
You can pay your conference fee to the following bank account in TWD Only / Only for Taiwan Area):
您可以將會議費用匯款至以下帳號 (限台幣/限台灣地區) :

銀行名稱 : 第一銀行 景美分行
銀行代碼 : 007
戶 名 : 張馨玄 帳 號 : 106-68-037461

Or to this bank account in EUR only (Outside Taiwan) :
或是以下銀行帳戶 (限歐元/限台灣以外地區) :

ACCOUNT NO. ( 帳戶號碼 ) : 10668037461
BANK ADDRESS ( 銀行地址 ) : No.28, Jingzhong St., Wenshan Dist., Taipei City 116, Taiwan(R.O.C.) Bank TEL( 銀行電話 ) : 886-2-29303011

You can also pay your conference fee to following PayPal account in EUR only:
您也可以使用下列PayPal帳號來繳會議費用(限台幣TWD。台灣地區請使用銀行轉帳繳款,謝謝!) 使用PayPal付款時,請於留言處註明您於報名表上使用的大名,以方便對帳。
PayPal帳號: anthem.chang@gmail.com

【Contact in Different Areas】【各地區聯絡方式】
Global: mail: goldenage777777@gmail.com
Accommodation: Mr. Ran, Email: nathawat07@yahoo.com
住宿資訊: Ran先生,mail: nathawat07@yahoo.com

Mainland China: mail: 15797839@qq.con
大陸地區: 電郵: 15797839@qq.con

Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macao/ 台灣、香港、澳門地區:
◆ Taiwan: air ticket、Visa& hotel: Ms. Clarisse: mail: clarisse1211@gmail.com , MP:0913217088
台灣地區關於機票、泰簽及泰國住宿: Clarisse小姐: 電郵: clarisse1211@gmail.com , 行動電話: 0913217088
◆ General conference information: mail: goldenage777777@gmail.com
一般會議詢問: 電郵: goldenage777777@gmail.com

Malaysia: mail: yaoweilim@yahoo.com , MP: 0166683931, facebook: yaowei84
馬來西亞地區: 電郵: yaoweilim@yahoo.com ; 電話: 0166683931 ; facebook: yaowei84

【About Initiation】【關於點化】
1. 關於點化的介紹,請參考連結: https://www.golden-ages.org/2016/06/09/4271/
2. 以上點化及連結有分一階及二階,二階必須是之前有跟Cobra學過這些揚升大師之光或星
3. 點化費用: 每一項點化4000台幣(TWD)(100 歐元)。無論是點化一階或二階的揚升大師之光或星系之光,最多只能點化三
種,但不包括女神能量的點化及連結。例如: 點化一階阿斯塔(揚升大師之光)+一階聖哲曼(揚升大師之光)+二階銀河中央太陽
4. 由於此次點化的人數非常的多,點化前的作業時間又非常的短,因此請事先選好並牢記點化項目。點化進行前將不再受理


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BeClass 線上報名系統

Booking Form for The Ascension Conference, Chiang Mai/ 2016清邁揚升會議報名表(國際版) (2016-07-02)(報名截止)
※ Last Name(真實姓氏)
※ First Name(same with passport) (真實名字)
名字喔! 不是姓氏喔!
※ Telephone number ( 連絡電話 )
※ Email address ( 電郵 )
※ 微信/QQ/Facebook name & FB website (臉書名字 & 臉書網址)
Ex.(例如): Clarisse Ira Weng , https://www.facebook.com/clarisse.weng
This is for easy and instant communication. 方便簡單且快速通訊使用
※ Payment Details ( 付款方式 )

※ 請填寫匯款日期及帳號後 5 碼 ,以方便核對。*如果沒有使用銀行帳號,請填原因!
Please Give Us the Date for Transaction & Last Five No. of Your Bank Account for our Verification. If You don、t Use Bank Account, Please Fill in Your Reason
※ 您於課程結束後會參加揚升大師之光或星系之光或Isis女神能量的點化嗎 ?
Do You Want to Get The Initiation for Rays of Ascended Masters or Rays of Stars or Isis(Goddess) Energy After Courses?
This Is Option, Need Extra Cost ( 此為額外點化課程,需另外付費 )
※ 包含一階及二階,您要點化及連結多少種揚升大師之光或星系之光(包含一階及二階,最多總共能點化及連結三種
How Many Initiations for Rays of Ascended Masters or Rays of Stars do you want to get, including Level I and Level II? (3 initiations for Rays of Ascended Masters or Rays of Stars is upmost, but Initiation for Isis(Goddess) Energy is not included)
※ 您想要參加Isis女神能量的點化嗎?
Do You Want to Get the Initiation for Isis(Goddess) Energy?
* This Is Option, Need Extra Cost/ 此為額外點化課程,需另外付費
Where are you from? ( for country statistics )
※ 您是否參加7月4日的<華人光工世紀大聚會>?
Do you want to participate the physical meeting of “International Golden Age Group(Global Chinese PFC Group)" in July 4th?
Yes,是 No.否
※ 您是國際黃金時代團隊的成員嗎 ?
Are you "International Golden Age Group (Global Chinese PFC Group) " member?
Yes,是 No.否
※ Any Other Relevant Information ( 其他任何相關的資訊 )

[查詢]、[編修]、 [X不可取消]
Sorry! The booking form is close.
You can directly go to the conference venue to do registration. Please use following mail or phone to get the information of conference venue.
Mail: goldenage777777@gmail.com; MP: +886-980-303-440
電郵: goldenage777777@gmail.com 行動電話: +886-980-303-440
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