(三) 一律網路報名: 不接受現場報名。 All registration process through internet and we do not accept on site registration.
(四) 參加資格: Qualification:
凡身心健康,年齡 66 歲(含)以下,對路跑有興趣之中外人士,均可報名參加。 本活動具有相當的危險性,報名前請謹慎考量自身能力。 Healthy, age of 66 or below, interested in ultra trail. This route is considered to be dangerous, participants must evaluate all possibilities including self health.
(五) 完成報名手續(繳費完成者),不得以任何理由要求退費或更名取代,請慎重考慮! Those who completed registration (those who completed payment) will not be able to receive refund nor cancellation. Please consider thoroughly before registration.
于烱彬 FB: 于烱彬 Mobile: 0933-408199 Organizer contact period: 09:00am-12:00 noon and 13:00-16:00. Or email w0933408199@gmail.com
(七) 本活動不分年齡組別,不贈送紀念衫或紀念品與毛巾,無完成獎牌, 僅提供完走證書(電子檔 JPG格式)於自助超馬相本中供參加者自行下載。 This event will not be categorized as age group. We do not provide T shirt, Finisher T, towel, medals, etc. Finisher will only receive electronic certificate and will need to download from organizer FB.
(一) 路線距離及海拔高度參考 : Routes distance and Elevation Chart :
50公里,總爬升 2280 m 25公里,總爬升 1140 m
(二) 請跑者隨身攜帶 【報到時一對一個別檢查】 Participants are encouraged to bring
健保卡、頭燈(含備用電池)、手機(含備用電池)、手套、急救毯、膠帶 (最小長度至少 80 公分 x 3 公分寬) 、 GPS裝置、離線地圖(軟體)、個人簡易急救包、哨子、水不得少於1.5公升、輕便雨衣、現金 300元(至少) 。 Health card, headlights (with spare batteries), Cell Phone (with spare batteries), gloves, Space blanket , Adhesive elastic tape/band (minimum length of 80cm x 3cm),self medical pack, whistle, at least 1.5L water, light rain coat, at least 300NT, off-line route map(software), GPS
(三) 寄物與其他相關事項: Luggage storage and others :
有 : 檢核、完走證書(電子檔)、NFC晶片計時。 沒有 : 寄物、拱門、帳棚、更衣室、流動廁所、巡迴裁判、救護站、完走獎牌。 Yes : CP check, e-certificate, NFC time check No : Organizer provide luggage storage, Toilet, tent, medical supply, medals, on site real time route patrol
(六) 參加者,未於上述關門時間內完成者,不發完走證明。 for participants who do not make the above gate closure, it is considered DNF.
(七) 跑者務必考量本身之健康狀況,活動中若發生任何意外事件,跑者應自行負責。 Participants must carefully evaluate self ability and self health before joining this race. Ultimately also be a responsible runner
(八) 活動已為跑者投保旅行平安保險(每位意外險100萬),對於跑者本身疾患引起之病 症不在承保範圍內,而旅行平安保險只因意外所受之傷害做理賠。(所有細節依投保公司之 保險契約為準),參賽選手如另有需要,請自行辦理個人人身意外保險等。 Organizer has insured for each individual for accidental insurance of 1M NT. Organizer will not responsible for participant’s inherited illness. And insurance will not be responsible for the undisclosed illness such as heat exhaustion or heart related failure.
(九) 本活動雨天照常舉行,如遇海陸上颱風警報或不可抗力之天然災害,為考量參與者 安全,主辦單位有權宣布取消、延期或調整活動路線。 The event will continue to be hold during the rainy days UNLESS should there be any government announced typhoon warnings and with the organizer’ safety concern for cancellation. Organizer has the right to alter and adjust the routes for safety concern.
(十) 參加者清楚瞭解長距離跑步風險,也已詳閱簡章內容,所填寫資料內容無誤,保證 跑者本人身心健康,自願參加本活動,活動中若發生任何意外事件,跑者本人願負全責,概 與主辦單位無關。 Organizer urges all the participants should understand the risk of ultra trail running. All the information has been disclosed within this race information. This event again is to promote healthy, environmental awareness ultra trail running in which we should all evaluate our abilities and health. And each participant must be responsible for his or her safety.
十二、本活動簡章、規程及相關資訊陸續公佈於 自助式超馬 --> 活動 FB官網 公佈;若有未盡事宜, 得隨時增補修訂之,並以賽會發佈消息為準。 Organizer will continue to announce further information. Participants must continue to pay attention to our link or website FB Taiwan Ultra Runners.