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【星際家人飛船大登陸邀請計畫】申請表【Post- Event Private Contact Zones】 Registration Form




【Post- Event Private Contact Zones】 Registration Form

注意!!! 如果你有私人土地並合乎下列條件才需要填寫這份申請表!!! 否則請勿填寫!!! 感謝!!!







1. 擁有獨立產權的私人土地且地主同意使用做為飛船降落區。
2. 土地面積需求最少為30公尺x30公尺(約270坪左右)的空曠、平坦土地,不能有樹木、電線桿等障礙物,沼澤地不適合,土地可以種低矮的蔬菜。
3. 土地持有人必須用自由意志宣告及邀請讓飛船可以在土地上降落停靠。
4. 土地持有人可邀請其他人一起參與飛船降落交流,但土地持有人必須到場才能讓飛船在持有人在場同意下來降落。
5. 多人持有的私人土地必須所有持有人全部同意土地要做為飛船降落區並用自由意志宣告及邀請才能成為有效的降落區。
6. 租借的土地(如大陸地區的土地都是國有地,人民只有長期或短期的土地租賃權)柯博拉(Cobra)還必須問光明勢力的意見。
7. 公共土地,如公園或草皮,必須等到事件後久一些或第一次接觸前或後才能在這些地方降落。

1. 已充分理解星際家人帶著善意及願意幫助我們而來。
2. 有強大的意願和善意願意與星際家人接觸,並且完成宣告邀請星際家人登陸。
3. 願意透過報章/網絡媒體或電視現場採訪將接觸的美好訊息與更多的民眾分享,以加速第一次正式接觸的來臨。



Attention! This registration form is created ONLY for people who are owners or co-owners of private properties and meet the following requirements.

The requirements of a private contact zone:

1. The land is owned by one or multiple individuals who agree to transform it into a private landing / contact zone.

2. The size of proposed contact zone should be at least 900 square meters. It has to be a flat and solid land without obvious obstacles such as trees, swamps, water bodies or power poles. Farms with crops or vegetables are acceptable.

3. The owner of proposed contact zone must invite Pleiadian ships to land according to his/ her own free will.

4. The owner can invite other people to his/her physical meetings with Pleiadians. Pleiadian ships will not land on a contact zone without its owner’s presence and consent. If your contact zone is owned by multiple individuals, the contact will take place when there is at least one owner present on site while others are well-informed and agree in advance.

5. A private property owned by multiple individuals requires unanimous consents of all its owners to become a valid contact zone.

6. For those who live in countries that do not recognize private ownership, Cobra will consult Light forces for further instructions.

7. Pleiadian ships will not land on public properties such as parks or lawns until months after the Event or the First Contact.

The conditions to interact with star brothers and sisters:

1.The contactee should fully understand that they come with good will and they want to help the mankind.

2.The contactee will meet star brothers and sisters by holding strong intent and good will. The contactee will invite Pleiadian ships to land on a valid contact zone according to his/her free will.

3. The contactee will agree to share his/her contact experience and present relative evidences through mass media for the sake of First Contact.

Your private contacts with Pleiadians after the Event and before the First Contact will help humanity prepare for the official contact with Galactic Confederation of Light.

We are now in the phase of preparation for post- Event individual contacts. If you own a qualified property and agree to transform it into your private contact zone which you will engage contacts based on the abovementioned conditions, please feel free to fill out this registration form. We will submit your information to Cobra of the Resistance who will then relay it to Light Forces.


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BeClass 線上報名系統

【星際家人飛船大登陸邀請計畫】申請表【Post- Event Private Contact Zones】 Registration Form (2018-12-31)(報名截止)
※ 姓名
※ Email
※ 您護照上的英文姓名(Your ID name)
請依照護照上的 名字 姓氏 的順序填寫(與中文相反)
※ 私人土地的座標(請用XY座標格式填寫)
例如台北車站: 25.047727, 121.517015
※ 請描述您提供的土地大小
例如: 50公尺X90公尺
※ 請輸入您的臉書名稱+網址,或者微信帳號或QQ號
請務必檢查網址或者號碼是否錯誤! 沒有臉書/微信帳號或QQ號者請填無
The URL of your Facebook page/ Wechat account/ Skype account
※ 您的所在地區(國家)?( Your living area)

※ 您是否願意提供個人持有的土地與其他想參與的人一同進行外星接觸?

※ 土地的正確地址The actual address of propose contact zone
※ 如果您有其它問題可以在這留言給我們
Please leave your message here if you have other questions.
Yes or No(中文者無須重複填寫)
Do you want to invite other people to join your physical contact with Pleiadian on your contact zone?
The coordinate of proposed contact zone?
The size of proposed contact zone?

※目前報名數:19[查詢]、[編修]、 [X不可取消]
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