2018外籍學生漢字輸入比賽 Foreign Student Chinese Typing Contest
活動目的 Purpose
因應數位學習時代來臨,特舉辦「外籍學生漢字輸入比賽」,藉以提昇外籍學生漢字輸入能力、培養外籍學生進入臺灣的資訊應用能力,同時推廣漢字認讀,輔助外籍學生記憶漢字,進而書寫漢字。 To welcome the digital learning age, we are holding a “Foreign Student Chinese Typing Contest” to improve Chinese input skills, develop the ability to apply information from Taiwan, promote Chinese reading, assisting in remembering Chinese characters, and writing with Chinese characters, for foreign students.
參加對象 Eligibility
16歲以上,非中華民國國籍在臺灣境內之外籍學生。 Any foreign student, 16 years or older, studying in Taiwan without ROC citizenship.
建議參賽者為華語文能力測驗(TOCFL)A2等級(約1,000詞彙量)以上。 We suggest participants to have the ability of the TOCFL (Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language) test at A2 level or above.
參賽者父母任一方母語或國籍之官方語言為華語者(含各省以漢字紀錄之方言),請勿報名參賽。 Entrants whose parent(s) has/have citizenship of a country with Chinese as its official language, or speaks Chinese as their mother tongue are discouraged from entering the contest.
參賽者報到時需查驗護照影本辦理報到,未攜帶或逾時報到者視同棄權。 Entrants must provide a copy of their passport upon checking in for inspection. Entrants who arrive without it, or check in too late, will be disqualified.
北區場次 North Division
比賽地點 Contest Location: 國立空中大學校本部(新北市蘆洲區中正路172號) National Open University Main Campus
比賽日期 Contest Date: 2018年7月1日(日) July 1st (Sun.), 2018
第一名:頒發獎金新臺幣5,000元、獎狀1面,計1名。 First Place: NT$5000, 1st place certificate. 第二名:頒發獎金新臺幣4,000元,獎狀1面,計1名。 Second Place: NT$4000, 2nd place certificate. 第三名:頒發獎金新臺幣2,500元,獎狀1面,計1名。 Third Place: NT$2500, 3rd place certificate. 第四名:頒發獎金新臺幣1,000元,獎狀1面,計1名。 Fourth Place: NT$1000, 4th place certificate. 優選獎:頒發獎金新臺幣500元,獎狀1面,計6名。 Honorary Awards: NT$500, Honorary certificate.