"Diversity is into everyday" that is a global mission of Carrefour.
把Diversity融入每一天的生活 這是家樂福集團的全球使命
Diversity is the core culture of Carrefour that we take care of associates and customers at any time in daily operation. Diversity requires more inclusive to support it and improve our performance and achieve the benefits and welfare. 在家樂福,多元化是我們職業的核心,在我們的日常活動中,我們隨時表達對夥伴的關懷與關心。 多樣化更需要有包容性的支持,才能提高團隊績效並實現所有的利益與福祉。
This lecture will share several important topics of inclusive leadership and lead you to think about key behaviors of an inclusive leader. Warm welcome for your attendance. 本次講座將分享包容性領導的幾個重要課題,引導您思考有關於包容性的關鍵行為。 我們竭誠歡迎您的參與。