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補申請2019 Winter Stay apply 寒假個人住宿申請系統



Remedy 2019 WinterStay apply補申請寒假個人住宿申請系統與寒假相關行程

*補申請2019寒假住宿期限:即日起至2019112(星期六) 21:00止,逾期將不再受理。

From now on could remedy apply 2019 winterstay and the applying deadline is Jan. 12th of 2019 21:00. If you need to apply it but over the dead line 21:00 Jan. 12th, no more extent to later time.

補申請網址:the remedyRegistration website:



1. 2019113(星期日) 晚上 24:00 以前您將會收到繳費E-mail

2. 2019114() 9:00開始~入住期間,皆可至學校財管組(A106),報學號即可調出繳費資料,完成繳費。

The time of payment:

1. By night time 24:00 on Jan. 13th, 2019,you will get payment list information.

2. You could go to pay it at school’sfinance office (A106) which located at the first floor of AdministrationBuilding. Start at am 9:00 on Jan. 14th, 2019 ~ the time period you live duringthis winter time.


*各棟宿舍住宿生如果無法在1/13 下午 17:00 以前離開宿舍,需申請寒假住宿。住宿生如果要申請住整個寒假,

開始住的日期(Startdate) 填:1/13,離宿日期(Departure date)填:2/13


All dormitory students who could not moveout by 17:00 Jan. 13th, need to apply winter stay. If you want to stay allwinter time, the Start Date is1/13the DepartureDate is2/13


*業勤以外的其他宿舍學生1/16 am 10:30 以後才可以開始入住寒假集中住的業勤宿舍,當日am 10:30亦有專車協助從各棟宿舍載運住宿生與行李至業勤宿舍。

Students who is living in Da-Yeh 1stdorm(male), Le-Chun,4-Willing, Da-Yeh dorm(female)during the semester also needto move to Diligent dorm at 10:30 on Jan. 16th. The shuttle bus will help youmove all winter stay luggage and person to diligent dormitory on that day am10:30.



1. 此四棟宿舍將於1/16 am 10:30開始封舍,2/13 am 10:30才會再次開放住宿生回宿,此期間無法在留宿於此四棟宿舍或進入取放行李。

2. 1/16搬至業勤後,離宿時所有寒假行李需先直接搬回家,或將安全且不貴重的物品借放業勤的臨時行李房,但2/13 am 10:30一定要回業勤取回行李,2/13 am 10:30亦有專車接送由業勤回各棟宿舍,逾時可能因為擋到業勤臨時行李房的原住宿生空間,而將被移轉至公共區,將可能有更高的遺失風險。

Students who is living in Da-Yeh 1stdorm(male), Le-Chun,4-Willing, Da-Yeh dorm(female)during the semester, pleasepay attention here:

1. These four dormitories will be locked at10:30 Jan. 16th, and open again at 10:30 Jan. 16th . Noopen for living or take any luggage during this period.

2. After moving into diligent dorm on Jan.16th, all your luggage will be together with will until 10:30 Feb.13th in diligent dorm or your home. If you want put your safety and unimportantluggage in the temporary luggage room of diligent dorm, you need to be back at 10:30Feb. 13th. Over this due date will make your luggage into high riskto be through away another area if the students who lived in this room comeback earlier before you come.



1.  申請住宿之日期必須連續不得中斷,寒假申請期間以一段為限,不得分段申請。

2.  可於報名系統中的備註欄填寫想要安排同寢之同學姓名,但同寢安排以相同或相近之入住日期與離宿日期為準。




Charges: Quad Room Rate: NT119 for 1 day per student(includingair-conditioning and other utilities). You could not ask twin Room ifno special conditions.




a. 107113日下午 17:00116日上午10:30止,此前3天原業勤的繼續住業勤,原其他宿舍的留在原舍,統一只收1天的費用119元。

b. 107116日上午 10:30開始進住業勤宿舍,至22日上午10:30止,共計17天,依申請之天數計費。

c. 22(星期六)~至210(大年初六星期日)必須過年留宿業勤宿舍者,不論天數一律收8天之過年費用,過年留宿限外籍生,本國生無特殊原因者不得勾選過年留宿,如另有特殊原因需留過年,再請找寒期宿舍輔導老師商議。

d. 2/102/13尚需留在業勤宿舍等2/13am10:30 搬回各舍者,此後3天統一只收1天的費用119元。


The principle of calculation:

a. Only NTD119 for all during 17:00 Jan. 13th~ 10:30 Jan. 16th.

b. Calculate by days since Jan. 16th  to Feb. 2nd.

c. Chinese New Year holiday: Calculate 8days times NTD119 equal to NTD952 unified. Since Feb. 2nd ~ Feb. 10ththis 8 days could be applied only by international students. Taiwanese studentswho want to apply, need to discuss with diligent dorm teacher, Mr. Nelson.

d. Only NTD119 for all during Feb. 10th~ Feb. 13th.



1/16~2/2,用Excel 計算2/2-1/16=17,如自己數日期則:1/16~2/2 共有18個日子,但只收過夜的費用,因此=18-1=17(有過夜的日子),119x17=2023元


2/2~2/10,用Excel 計算2/10-2/2=8,此過年期間因特殊原因才能留宿,且一致收8天的費用=119x8=,計費無法扣除過年不住的日數,






Remedy application for 2019 winter stayinformation and all winter stay related schedules, could also see the Dayeh Webfor administrative announcement about winter stay.





請您加入[2019 Winterstay 寒假業勤]Line群組,以便讓您收到最新的寒假住宿相關訊息


Please join the Line group to get theupdated winter stay information.











Line ID:nelson6406

facebook網址: https://www.facebook.com/nelson.shen.52

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BeClass 線上報名系統

補申請2019 Winter Stay apply 寒假個人住宿申請系統 (2019-02-28)(報名截止)
※ 姓名
※ 性別
※ 電話phone
※ 學號(Student ID)
Line ID
If you don′t use Line or WeChat, please give facebook in memo
WeChat ID
If you don′t use Line or WeChat, please give facebook in memo
※ 緊急聯絡人姓名Urgent inform Name
It could be your parents or teachers in your department
※ 緊急聯絡人手機Urgent inform others Cell phone
It could be the cell phone of your parents or teachers
※ 學年中原宿舍別
Dormitory in school time

※ 系所名稱
Name of your Department
※ 年級
※ (請重新編修欄位)限量床位申請
The Quantity of bed is limited
(總量 24、外加候補5)
(總量 42、外加候補5)
開始住的日期(Start date)
If you start since the first day of winter stay, write 1/13
離宿日期(Departure date)
If you live until the final day of winter stay, write 2/13
※ 過年期間是否需留宿
只有外籍生能勾 Yes. Feb. 2nd - Feb. 10th will stay in dormitory or not

※ 您來自哪裡

※ 申請原因
The reason you apply winter stay
Memos: Other requirements you want, like roommates arrangement.
※ 已瞭解個資相關條款,同意本單位僅作宿舍安排用
Understanding the confidentialities protection rules, agree that all your information only for dormitory arrangements.

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