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中華牙醫止鼾醫學會 2019第二次學術研討會 / 2019 the 2nd Academic Conference of Taiwanese Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine




歡迎您參加 2019/05/18 「TADSM 中華牙醫止鼾醫學會 2019 第二次學術研討會 」

Welcome to the 2019 2nd Academic Conference of Taiwanese Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine

中華牙醫學會積分: 7.2學分

睡眠醫學會積分: 7學分

Conference Program  學術研討會內容 :

08:45~09:00  Registration  報 到

09:00~09:50  Myofunctional Therapy for SDB: A Practical Guide -- I-Chun Wang, MS, Speech therapist

09:50~10:20  Coffee Break   早 茶 

10:20~11:20  Case Sharing: Oral Appliance Therapy for severe Adult OSA patients, coping with the Guideline -止鼾裝置病例分享:每個病例從內科醫師如何診斷,篩選適當病患做止鼾牙套治療,到牙科醫師如何設計與調整牙套的臨床治療細節---Shih-Pin Hsu, MD / Meng-Chen Tsou, DDS

11:20~12:00  How to screen / evaluate SDB Pts at dental office  -- Audrey Yoon, DDS, MS

12:00~13:10  Lunch Break   午餐 享用飯店自助午餐 (Lunch Buffet in Novotel Hotel)

13:10~14:50  Orthodontic interventions and treatment in SDB  -- Audrey Yoon, DDS, MS

14:50~15:10  Coffee Break   下午茶
15:10~17:00  Hand on of MARPE (Mini-implant Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion) and Case discussion

                     -- Audrey Yoon, DDS, MS


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★ Please note that you need to complete the remittance before filling this registration form, the last 5 digits of bank account is a required item to complete this registration form. 
★ 座位有限,
目前只剩名額 3 位,~~  以匯款先後順序排列,額滿為止! ★ 

★ Now only 3 seats are still available, the seats will be arranged in the order of remittance. ★

★ 付款方式 (Payment)

(1) For Taiwanese Dollar 台幣


帳號0635-940-159996   戶名:中華牙醫止鼾醫學會 

(2) For US Dollar  (Foreign country)

Bank Name:   E. Sun Commercial Bank, Ltd. Taipei, Taiwan


Account No.: 0107-441-907481

Account Name: TSOU MENG-CHEN

時間 Time: 2019/05/18  9:00~17:00
地點 Location: 台北諾富特桃園機場飯店翡翠廳+鉑金廳 (Novotel Hotel Taipei Taoyuan International Airport)

費用 Registration Fee:
*早鳥優惠 Early ( Before 3/31): NT. 6000 ( USD. 200 ) for Member,  NT. 11000 ( USD. 355 ) for Non-member
*Regular (After April 1): NT. 8000 ( USD. 260 ) for Member,  NT. 12000 ( USD. 390 ) for Non-member
會費 Membership Fee :
*入會費 Entrance Fee: NT: 3,000元 ( USD: 100)
*常年會費Annual Fee: NT: 2,000元 ( USD: 65)

已交之費用恕不退費,繳費之前請審慎考慮     All paid fee is not refundable.



地點:台北諾富特華航桃園機場飯店 (翡翠廳+鉑金廳)
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