本課程係全程英文教學(180分鐘). 歡迎外籍人士或準留學生報名參加, 同時開放外商團體報名.
★★ Class Title:【CPR/AED Certification】★★
★★ Date:Dec 27, 2019, Friday 19:00 ~ 22:00 ★★
Class Size:up to 12
Instructor:Sunghua Chang (張頌華) sunghua@alum.berkeley.edu
restrictions before class begins.
Issuance Method:To become certified, you must earn at least 70 percent of higher on the Hands-On test.
Remittance Information:
Payee:中華民國紅十字會台北市分會 (Taipei Red Cross Society)
Bank:土地銀行信義分行 (Land Bank Xinyi Branch)
Bank Code:005 Account No.:079-005-199-200