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2019 CBR Halloween Trail Duo Run瘋啤酒-萬聖節雙人越野



           2019瘋啤酒-萬聖節雙人越野 CrazyBeer Halloween Trail Duo Run

CRAZY BEER RUN will bring runners to Tianmu area near Taipei Shilin district, which is also closed by MRT station. The course will cover four mountains surrounding Tainmu area which are also known for Tianmu Mountain- Guardiances for years.

The south peak of Yushuihu, 106 meters above sea level, enters the firstarrival point in the mountain, dense bamboo forest, birds and flowers, overlooking the Tianmu Basin.

The main peak of Yushuihu Mountain, 185 meters above sea level, Yushuihu Mountain is also known as Niu Chouhu Mountain, which is a small hill under the bamboo forest. It surrounds the beautiful mountain forest on the right side of Tianmu, and the fertile and soft loess bamboo forest

Xiazhulin Mountain, 421 meters above sea level, has the Chinese Culture University in the north, and the southern edge connects the Zizipu Mountain. The most primitive and forgotten ancient road, the century-old forest,

Tianmu Mountain, 176 meters above sea level The closest mountain to the Tianmu Basin, located in front of the Xiazhulin Mountain, the mountain top just received Dongshan Road, and the north is connected to the Tianmu Ancient Trail.

Treasure hunt-there will be treasure tags on both courses. It is important for team to run closely together searching for the treasures. Each runner allows to take one only.

12km course is more suitable for advanced trail runners, and 8km course is more suitable for families and hikers. In addition, there are food and cool drinks at venue after the run. Crazy Beer event is more than just a race. Runners can also wear their costumes to join Halloween run party. To remind you, don’t drink and drive. Take public transportation is the best choice.




下竹林山,海拔421公尺北有中國文化大學,南稜連接拔子埔山 天母最原始被遺忘的古道,百年山林,



尋寶遊戲,兩組路線上都有寶物牌,每人限拿一個號碼,路線採雙人組不分男女,同時起跑,相互合作,團隊精神,尋找寶藏,回到終點,裝扮穿上萬聖節服,現場投票最高的萬聖節服裝跑友,將頒發特別獎品, 終點站有飲料,清涼啤酒,餐點,賽後有團隊合作的競賽遊戲,本活動是推廣越野慢跑健康活動, 歡迎喜愛運動的朋友們一起來參加萬聖節跑步活動!

Organizer: AdventureRunners & Crazy Beer Run Team


Date&Time: 1026日(星期六)下午100PM~600PM

Venue:芝山巖文化遺址展示館前/ShilinZhishan Park


Taipei,Shilin, Zhi-Cheng Road Sec. 1, NO. 287 ( near Zhishan MRT )

GPS: https://goo.gl/nBP4JR


  1. 雙人挑戰組總排前3(不分齡),可獲得獎盃與Merrell& Runivore獎品

(Top 3 duo team runners overall: Trophy, Merrell &Runivore prizes.)

  1. 個人挑戰組男女總排前5(不分齡),可獲得獎盃&精美獎品Merrell & Runivore 獎品

(Top 5 solo male/female runners overall: Trophy, Merrell & Runivore prizes.)

  1. 雙人休閒組總排前3(不分齡),可獲得獎盃與Merrell 及其他精美獎品

(Top 3 duo team runners overall: Merrell product and other brand prizes.)

PS.各組別 每增加50/,將增加一個名次.( Each category over 50 numbers will add one prize.)

CBR Loyal Prize 全勤獎: 
2019年開始凡參加兩場春季五指山越野/秋系雙人越野, 將可獲得全勤獎, 獎品運動腰包, 健行登山非常實用,(達到合格標準的跑友,獎品將於秋季萬聖節雙人越野活動物資一併寄送)
All runners are qualified if you are in both Spring WUZHI MOUNTAINS TRAIL & HALLOWEEN TRAIL DUO RUN events in 2019. You will receive a special SPORTING GIFT, which will be sent together with your race kits in Halloween Trail Duo Run. 

賽事路線/Courses: ( 新路線9月更新 Both courses will be updated by September )

12KM挑戰組:總爬升 500+公尺四座山:玉稠湖山南峰,玉稠湖山主峰,下竹林山,天母山,與芝山岩.Total elevation 500+ m includes Mt. Yushuihu South peak, Mt.Yushuihu main peak, Mt. Xiazhulin, Mt. Tianmu, and Zhishan hill.

GPS: http://www.movescount.com/moves/move250529500


Totalelevation 350+ m includes Mt. Yushuihu South peak, Mt. Yushuihumain peak and Zhishan hill.



1.路線標示路上的白色麵粉與志工引導為主,休閒組沿途有一個信物與補給點,穿著輕越野便裝,挑戰組兩個信物補給點,需穿著越野裝備,運動眼鏡,手套,帽子.挑戰組爬升難度高,強制攜帶700ml水與電解質補給.The course will be marked mostly with white flour and some ribbons.There are couches to be in important intersections at CPs. Please bring enough water and wear trail running gear.

2.雙人組號碼相同,雙人同時起跑,互相扶持,發揮團隊精神,同時回到終點.單獨一人回到終點將不計名次.(詳細說明,請參考路線頁面,本活動採計時,以自我挑戰,團隊合作,健康運動為主.) Race route direction will be marked with wheat flour and ribbons.There is one CP for all groups. Duo team must run together to support each other throughout the course and finish together as a team. This event will not record runners’ time. For saving environment, please do bring your own water bottle and cup. Drinks and food will provided after the run and don’t drink and drive.

3.尋寶遊戲:路線會有10個信物綁在山徑路線樹上,叉路口,每人限拿一個 回大會統一頒領寶藏獎品.Treasure hunt: there will be 10 treasure items on the course easily spot with eyes. Each runner limits to have one treasure item only.

注意:為響應環保,請自備水壺 未滿18歲跑者,禁止喝酒.Please bring your own water and don’t drink and drive.


13:00 check in bags寄物

13:30 warm up 熱身

13:40 course update 路線解說

13:45-14:00 flag off分組出發

16:00 serving food & drinks 飲料,啤酒,用餐

16:30 podium & games 頒獎,遊戲獎品活動

18:00 finish and see you next year 結束下次見

報名費標準/Registration( 開放晚鳥組50名額 不限組Late-bird 50 slots vacancy  )

報名費標準/Registration Fee8km Duo雙人休閒組12km Duo雙人挑戰組12km Solo個人挑戰組
早鳥價Early-Bird Price Closed$2,000$2,400$1,300
標準價 Standard Price (7/1~7/31)$2,400$2,800$1,500
晚鳥價 Late-Bird Price ( 8/1-9/20)$2,800$3,200$1,700

( Registration fee does not include postage fee, please refer to postage fee table as below. 

Total payment=registration fee+freight fee 報名費不包含運費, 請參考以下運費表, 並加上) 

雙人挑戰組Duo12KM Race kits: ( 100 team slots )

報名贈品:瘋啤酒紀念衫Tee,Z-POLS 專業運動眼鏡,號碼布,餐點,啤酒&補給飲料,完賽獎牌. 電子檔成績CBRTee, Z-POLS Sunglasses, Bib, Food & drinks, Finisher medal.Finish time

個人挑戰組Solo12KM Race kits: ( 100 solo slots )

報名贈品:瘋啤酒紀念衫Tee, Z-POLS 專業運動眼鏡,號碼布,餐點,啤酒&補給飲料,完賽獎牌,電子檔成績 CBR Tee, Z-POLS Sunglasses, Bib, Food & drinks, Finisher medal. Finish time

雙人休閒組Duo8KM Race kits: (100 team slots)

報名贈品:瘋啤酒紀念衫Tee,MERRELL越野運動襪子,號碼布,餐點,啤酒&補給飲料,完賽獎牌.電子檔成績 CBR Tee, Sporting product, Bib, MERRELL Socks, Food & drinks, Finisher medal. Finish time

Purchase Book:  Follow Jerry on Fantastic Hikes Around the World. ( Language in Chinese) CBR runners can purchase the book with 20% discount NT$270 plus free freight if you sign up for 2019 Halloween Trail Duo Run. The book and race pack will come together.

書籍加購優惠:<跟著傑瑞去世界登山越野>中文書籍---參加2019萬聖節雙人越野的跑友, 可以早鳥八折訂購價$270+免運費訂購本書與物資一並寄送. 


繳費資訊Payment Instruction: 

Bank : Taishin 台新銀行

Code : 812

帳號 NO: 2017-10000-42236

OverSea Runners’ payment instruction:

Foroversea runners, pls. make a direct transfer to below bank a/c andcollect your runner’s package with your ID or passport on theevent day around 1:00 pm. Pls. email copy of payment to [email protected] for confirmation and inform 1. yourname, 2. passport number, 3. date of birth, 4. cell phone number, &T-shirt size.

Early-BirdRate/ Standard Rate

Solo12KM-Registration+handlingfee: HKD 410/ HKD 520

Duo8KM-Registration+handing fee: HKD 600 / HKD 710

Duo12KM-Registration+handling fee: HKD 700/ HKD 810

Bank Address :
1Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong
A/C #: 499- 525756- 833

報名費不含郵寄資,請自行計算人數以下費用,活動統一採用郵寄報到方式費用需連同報名費一併繳交以方便作業本活動不提供現場報名The registration fee doesn't include the postage, so please add it based on numbers of your group on top of the fee as below table :
















(This event is non-refundable after registration CLOSED, but transferable with extra charge NT$300 per person due date 8/15. Itwill be non-transferable after the due date.) 

報名相關疑問:if any questions, email to ideapc123@yahoo.com, or PM to https://www.facebook.com/CrazyBeerRun/ or contact: 0926776166








地點:士林區至誠路一段287號 (至誠停車場旁)
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