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5/19 Celebrating Buddha′s Birthday; Torma & Water Offering 衛賽節 浴佛及食子水供


5/19 Celebrating Buddha's Birthday; Torma & Water Offering 衛賽節 浴佛及食子水供

  On 5/19, we will start our Sunday practice at 9:30 with meditation and then have group practice on Torma and Water Offering at 10am. Please register online so the center can prepare enough torma and water for participants.  The deadline to register is 5/18 (Sat) 12 noon.  Please bring your water offering kit with you.  If you do not the kit, please bring a small tea kettle with you.  If you have have Dhrama robe, please bring it with you. 

  We will also have special prayer for Buddha's birthday immediately follow the Torma and Water offering.

  我們將再一次在 5/19舉行財神食子水供,早上 9:30禪修,10點開始共修食子及水供。為了準備足夠的食子, 請事先上網報名, 報名截止時間 5/18中午12點。有水供套具者請攜帶,若沒有水供套具,請自行攜帶小茶壺,若您有請居士服請著居士服。

  食子水供之後我們就緊接著舉行浴佛典禮 歡迎大家參加!

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