2020瘋啤酒-萬聖節大棟山越野 CrazyBeer Halloween Dadong Trail Run
2020 "Crazy" Beer Halloween Trail Solo/Duo Run is in Dadong Mountain, Taoyuan for the first time with very unique course located at the junction of the Shulin District of New Taipei City and Taoyuan City at an altitude of 405 meters. There is an iron tower on the top of the mountain. Looking north, you can see the Linkou Terrace and Taoyuan City. Dadong Mountain is adjacent to Datong Mountain and Qinglongling and is located at the junction of Shulin District in New Taipei City and Guishan District in Taoyuan City. It belongs to the vein of Linkou Platform.
Dadong mountain is the highest peak of Linkou Platform. The loop route can be designed View 360-degree views of northern Taiwan.
Wanghu Mountain, 350 meters above sea level, has the famous centuries-old banyan tree (big tree), the highest peak of Yingge is located at the junction of Guishan and Yingge. This dense banyan tree with dense foliage and more than three hundred The tree age is a loess walking trail.
Limekeng Mountain, with an altitude of 374 meters, is located in the Yingge District of New Taipei City. There is a corner point at the top of the hill with a triangle point 978, and a mini temple beside the corner. With a good outlook, you can see the Linkou platform and the Dadong Mountain.
Dahuding Mountain, with an altitude of 342 meters, is located in front of Taoyuan City and can overlook the surrounding scenery of Shoushan Rock in Guishan District, passing through the green bamboo forest trail.
For Halloween, please dress up and wear a Halloween costume. The runner with the highest vote in Halloween costumes will be awarded a special prize. There will be drinks at the venue, cool beer, meals after the race. This activity is to promote outdoor mountaineering and moderate drinking. It can make the body quickly replenish enough nutrients, which is positive for the body and mind, and welcome to join Halloween trail running!
2020年“瘋”啤酒萬聖節秋季單/雙人越野, 首次移至桃園大棟山,位於新北市樹林區與桃園市龜山區交界處,海拔405公尺,為台灣小百岳之一。山頂有座鐵塔。向北可遠眺林口台地及桃園市一帶。大棟山與大同山、青龍嶺相鄰且座落於新北市樹林區、桃園市龜山區交界處,屬於林口台地的脈稜;大棟山是林口台地脈稜的最高峰, 設計環狀路線可眺望360度全台灣美景。
望湖山,海拔高度350公尺,有著名 的百年大榕樹 (大樹公),鶯歌最高峰位處龜山和鶯歌交界處,這棵枝葉茂密,氣勢磅薄的大榕樹,有三百多年樹齡 屬於黃土健走型的步道 。
石灰坑山, 海拔高度374公尺, 位於新北市鶯歌區,山頂有三角點九七八號基石,基石旁一座迷你小廟。展望視野佳,遠眺林口台地,眺望大棟山。
大湖頂山,海拔高度342公尺, 位於桃園市眼前可遠眺龜山區壽山巖週遭景色, 經過綠竹林步道 。
MERRELL推廣大自然就是我的健身房Natures Gym 及自然戶外健身的概念Outdoor Fitness, 多接近自然風景, 清新的空氣, 山林芬多精和運動流汗的快感. 本次活動路線經過, 木階梯, 黃土徑, 叢林秘境, 眺望北台灣周遭美景,並設計輕,中,高難度三種路線, 極限組路線適合進階越野跑者. 競速組與雙人組路線, 適合登山越野與自我挑戰為目的, 透過麵粉記號方式以及人員來引導,於不同的地形地貌, 引領民眾享受戶外運動的樂趣.
10/31萬聖節請裝扮穿上萬聖節服, 現場投票最高的萬聖節服裝跑友, 將頒發特別獎品, 終點站有飲料, 清涼啤酒, 餐點, 賽後有競賽遊戲,本活動是推廣戶外登山健行運動, 適量飲酒能讓身體迅速補充足夠養分, 對身心有正面幫助, 歡迎喜愛運動的朋友們一起來參加萬聖節越野跑步 !
Organizer主辦: Adventure Runners & Crazy Beer Run
Co-support協辦:大棟山跑山團, 旨雲宮, 應天宮,慈惠堂
Date&Time: 10月31日(星期六)下午1:00PM~6:00PM
集合地點/Venue: 樹林-旨雲宮 Zhiyun Gong
238新北市樹林區東和街73號-近山佳火車站 (台北車站前往約20-30分鐘)
Address: No.73Donghe Street, Shulin District, New Taipei City
GPS: https://bit.ly/2zSQF8Z
17km Solo個人極限組總排男/女前3名(不分齡),獲得獎盃,Merrell 運動獎品
(Top 3 male/female runners overall: Trophy, Merrell prize.)
17 km Duo雙人極限組總排前3隊(不分齡),獲得獎盃,Merrell運動獎品
(Top 3 teams: Trophy, Merrell prize.)
10 km Duo雙人挑戰組總排前3隊(不分齡),獲得獎盃,Merrell運動獎品
(Top 3 teams: Trophy, Merrell prize.)
P.S.(Each group over 50 numbers will add one prize.)
17km course: Total elevation of 900 + meters 4 mountains (difficulty level 1). 360-degree circular route, excellent view, runners can seethe beauty of northern Taiwan, purpose cloud palace-Fu'an palace-limepit mountain-centenary banyan tree-Fuyuan mountain trail-Shiyun temple-Yingtian palace-Cihuitang-Tianbao Vegetarian Food-Dahuding Mountain-Ma Taujian-405 Heights-Qinglongling Trail-Donghe Street-Zhiyun temple
10km course: Total elevation 550+ meters 3 mountains (difficulty level 1).Yiyun Palace-Fu'an Palace-Limekeng Mountain-Xia Datong Road-ZhanGongcuo-Cihuitang-Tianbao Vegetarian-Zhiyun temple
17KM極限組:總爬升900+公尺4座山 (難度等級1)。360度環狀路線,極佳的視野,跑者可眺望北台灣美景,旨雲宮-福安宮-石灰坑山-百年大榕樹-福源山步道-石雲寺-應天宮-慈惠堂-天寶素食-大湖頂山-馬頭尖-405高地-青龍嶺步道-東和街-旨雲宮
10KM挑戰組:總爬升500+公尺3座山 越野技巧性路線為主(難度等級1)。旨雲宮-福安宮-石灰坑山-下大同路-詹公厝-慈惠堂-天寶素食-旨雲宮
17KM Solo Race kits:
Tee, Z-POLS sports Sunglasses, Bib, Meals and drinks, Finisher gift, and e-certificate
17KM Duo Race kits:
Tee, Z-POLS sports Sunglasses, Bib, Meals and drinks, Finisher gift, and e-certificate
10KM Solo Race kits:
Tee, Sports waist bag , Bib, Meals and drinks, Finisher gift, ande-certificate
CBR Loyal Prize 全勤獎:
凡參加兩場春季五指山越野/夏季/秋系雙人越野, 兩場以上將可獲得全勤獎, 獎品運動襪, 健行登山非常實用,(達到合格標準的跑友,獎品將於秋季萬聖節雙人越野活動物資一併寄送)
All runners are qualified if you were more than two of Spring Wuzhi Mountain, Summer Dadong Treasure Hunt & Halloween Duo Run events in 2020. You will receive a special SPORTING GIFT, which will be sent together with your race kits in Halloween Trail Duo Run.
1.路線標示路上的白色麵粉與志工引導為主,休閒組沿途有一個信物與補給點,穿著輕越野便裝,挑戰組兩個信物補給點,需穿著越野裝備,運動眼鏡,手套,帽子.挑戰組爬升難度高,強制攜帶700ml水與電解質補給.The course will be marked mostly with white flour and some ribbons.There are couches to be in important intersections at CPs. Please bring enough water and wear trail running gear.
2.雙人組號碼相同,雙人同時起跑,互相扶持,發揮團隊精神,同時回到終點.單獨一人回到終點將不計名次.(詳細說明,請參考路線頁面,本活動採計時,以自我挑戰,團隊合作,健康運動為主.) Race route direction will be marked with wheat flour and ribbons.There is one CP for all groups. Duo runners must run together to support each other throughout the course and finish together as a team. This event will not record runners’ time. For saving environment, please do bring your own water bottle 1000 ml and cup. Drinks and food will provided after the run and don’t drink and drive.
注意:為響應環保,請自備水壺 未滿18歲跑者,禁止喝酒.Please bring your own water and don’t drink and drive.
12:30-13::00 check in bags 寄物
13:10 Course Briefing 路線解說
13:30 17km flag-off 出發
13:40 course update 路線解說
13:45-14:00 10km flag-off 出發
16:00 serving food & drinks 飲料,啤酒,用餐
16:30 podium & games 頒獎,遊戲獎品活動
18:00 finish and see you next year 結束下次見
報名費標準/Registration Fee | 10km Solo個人挑戰 | 17km Solo個人極限 | 17km Duo雙人極限 |
九折早鳥個人/團報Early-Bird Price (now-7/31) | $1,000 | $1,400 | $2,600 |
標準價 Standard Price (8/1~8/31) | $1,200 | $1,600 | $3,000 |
晚鳥價 Late-Bird Price ( 9/1-10/16) | $1,400 | $1,800 | $3,400 |
Bank: 玉山商業銀行 (天母分行)
銀行代碼: 808
帳號 A/C NO: 0163-968-096776
(This event is non-refundable after registration CLOSED, but transferable with extra charge NT$300 per person due date 9/10. It will be non-transferable after the due date.)
報名相關疑問:if any questions, email to ideapc123@yahoo.com, or PM to https://www.facebook.com/CrazyBeerRun/ or contact: 0926776166