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2021 The 20th Taiwan Self Psychology Conference



[The 20th Taiwan Self Psychology Conference]


1.   Conference Date: Sunday 12 December, 09:00-17:00.

2.   Program: Online video conferencing, the conference is conducted with Zoom.

3.   Notice:

     (1)  There is Mandarin- Japanese interpretation through the activities.

     (2)  The meeting will be held online, and the conference link will be sent by e-mail one week before the start of the meeting.

     (3)  Those who register within one week before the start of the conference will receive the conference link within 48 hours.

     (4)  After the completion of registration procedure, if you have to cancel your booking, please inform us before 2021/12/5 16:00. And you can have 80% refund.

     (5)  If you have not received notification before the meeting, please contact [email protected]


[Conference Topics]

  • In the pursuit of ideal maintains the alive self: the restoration of the self in therapeutic relationships. (Presenter: Hao-Chung Hsu / Discussant: Hsiu-Hui Huang)
  • The Vicissitude of the Concept of Trauma and its Application. (Presenter: Ming-Shoung Lin / Discussant: Shih-Ning Liu)
  • A Case Description from an Intersubjective Perspective. (Presenter: Koichi Togashi / Discussant: Hui-Ching Liu)
  • Psychology of the self and critical psychotherapy. (Presenter: Kelly Chang / Discussant: Hao-Chung Hsu)


Speaker and Moderator Brief Introduction

Hao-Chung Hsu, M. D.

Psychiatrist in Private Practice, Psychoanalyst of IPA, Member of Taiwan Psychoanalytic Association.

Hsiu-Hui Huang, M. A.

Psychologist in Private Practice, Member of Taiwan Psychoanalytic Association.

Ming-Shoung Lin, M. D.

Psychiatrist in Cardinal Tien Hospital.

Shih-Ning Liu, M. D.

Psychiatrist in Wen Hua Clinic.

Koichi Togashi, Ph. D., L. P.

Professor, Konan University, Kobe, Japan; Psychoanalyst Private Practice, Hiroshima & Kobe, Japan.

Hui-Ching Liu, M. D.

Psychiatrist in Hung Tzu Hospital, Member of Taiwan Psychoanalytic Association.

Kelly Chang, M. D.

Psychiatrist in Dr. Wu Psychiatric Clinic.


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