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Dying Light 2 has another way to open locked doors: bash through em



I got Dying Light 2's bash skill pretty early. I'd already grabbed the sprint skill (yes, sprinting, usually not sold separately with regards to action heroes, requires a skill open), and the bash skill lets you turn sprinting an act of viciousness. You can sprint and then furrow into zombies, sending them flying, regardless of whether they're clustered in a pack. It's not lethal or anything, it just clears a path without having to stop and swing a weapon, which is useful while you're attempting to race home before the sun sets and the city gets extremely mean.

Yet, Dying Light 2 player Longjumping-Owl-2684 on Reddit keenly tracked down another use for the bash skill. And not only is it useful, it's totally sensible.











You can use bash to open locked doors without having to mess with a lockpick and the Skyrim-esque minigame. Just take a couple of steps back, then sprint and bash solidly into that locked entryway. Open sesame! I just gave it a shot and it works, however my first attempt I activated the bash a little too late and just twisted up smooshed against the doorframe for a second. My planning was better on the second attempt, and the locked entryway opened up right.

It's not something I'll probably use a great deal just finding a locked entryway in the city to give it a shot took me about 10 minutes, and lockpicking comes into play far more often with locked crates than locked doors. Plus, I never really ended up running out of lockpicks, and I didn't bother upgrading my lockpick outline to make them more durable. Indeed, even the toughest lock requires a little patience more than anything else.

However, and I think this is important: having the option to bash open a locked entryway just makes sense. How often have we been a powerful character in a FPS, armed with explosives and heavy weapons and capable of superhuman feats of strength, only to be stymied by a simple locked entryway? I'm not a slippery jewel hoodlum, I'm someone who punts individuals off roofs. Don't pick that lock, just wreck that damn entryway! It's a great bit of design from Techland, and a brilliant discovery by Longjumping-Owl-2684.
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