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Hsinchu factory of Witron Technology in 2022 【Green World Wi Love Wi Share】



Hsinchu factory of Witron Technology in 2022 【Green World   Wi Love Wi Share】

Location : The rest area square of Lihpao Land in Taichung
Date : November 5, 2022(Saturday)
Event Time : 08:15~11:00 Guest check in | 09:00~09:30 Wonderful stage gathering | 09:30~17:00 Splendor events around

Rules of registration
Dates of registration:The registeration starts from 2022/10/23(Monday) up till 2022/10/11(Tuesday) and closes at 23:59  

Who can register:All of the employees who are on duty in the Hsinchu factory on 2022/10/21(Friday) can join together to register for the event.
※All of the employees who are on duty in the Hsinchu factory on 2022/11/05 (Saturday) can join event and check in.

About the subsify:
◎ The subsidy implements on all employees and plus a single person of their relatives or friends to take part in the event for free charges.
◎ Two or more relatives or friends of the employees can purchase the ticket by discounts

What stuffs can you obtain on checking in:
◎ On-job colleagues: An event ticket, 300 dollars of merchandise vouchers, A token wristband for adventure games
◎ The single relative or friend for free joining the event: A event ticket, A token wristband for adventure games
◎ Additional relatives or friends who purchase the ticket: An event ticket(The corresponding number depends on the actual persons who register and purchase the tickets) 

The ticket types and additional purchase prices :
※ Please count the age at when the person checks in the park on November 5(Saturday)
◎ Full price $490:Children/Students/Adults within the ages of 6~60
◎ Youngster & Aged price $350: Children at ages of 3~6(100~120cm of height), Elderly persons, pregnant women and disabled persons plus a single supporter of theirs
(People who purchase at the youngster & aged price are supposed to bring and show their proof of identity, such as identity card/national health insurance card/Mother's handbook/ Disability handbook at their check in time, or otherwise they have to purcahse the ticket at full price. )
◎ Free admission: Children under 3 of age or under 100cm of height can get in the pard for free admission, and those above 100 cm of height but under 3 of age have to show their identity for authentication at checking in.

How to pay for the additional tickets:
※ Colleagues who intend to purchase additional tickets please choose either one from the available payment manners in the registration dialogue boxes, and have to complete the payment in cash within the selected period of time, and will thus reach the success of registration.
Selection code
Payment location
Due date of payment
Period of time for payment
ABesides the 7-11 shop on 3F of Hsinann factory
BBesides the guard stand on 4F of Yeinfa second road
CThe lounge on 4F of the Innovative office area
DThe lounge on 2F of the Kwanfu office area
EBesides the ground floor counter of Huko first factory
FBesides the coffee bar on 2F of Huko second factory
GOthers (selectable only by the colleagues of Longtan & Linko factories)Furthur notifce
Payment by transfer

The information on the transportation bus: 
※ People who register for taking the ride of the transportation bus are supposed to check in by scanning the code on the event day. Those who registered but failed showing up for taking the bus have to pay $500/per person for making up the transportation fare. 
Full bus to depart→ 07:00 Outside the southern gate of Hsinann factory
07:10 The wharf of Huko second factory/Swanxi Dormitory

Full bus to return→ 16:30~17:30

Boarding place

A. Outside the southern gate of Hsinann factory

B. The wharf of Huko second factory

C. Swanxi Dormitory

Additional notices:

※ When the registration process closes no modification is allowed.

※ The event implements electronic registration on the event day. Please be sure to leave a "valid E-mail" and "correct mobile phone number" when you are registering, so as for us able to send the registration serial number, information and password to reach you.
※  All people who intend to modify their registration informations please complete the modification by 2022/10/11(Friday) up till 23:59.   
※ Personnel in charge of the event: Anna MC Liao (Extention number:31065) / Wendy LW Chen  (#31554) / Ray Peng  (#31059)


地點:42145台中市后里區福容路8號 (麗寶探索樂園)
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BeClass 線上報名系統

Hsinchu factory of Witron Technology in 2022 【Green World Wi Love Wi Share】 (2022-11-05)(報名截止)
※ Worker ID
※ Chinese Name
※ English Name
※ Cellphone number
※ Western calendar birthday
Please fill in the correct birthday for the use to verify the corresponding ticket type
※ Working place

※ Name of the broker
The ticket types and additional purchase prices
◎ Full price $490:Children/Students/Adults within the ages of 6-60
◎ Youngster & Aged price $350: Children at ages of 3-6(100-120cm of height), Elderly persons, pregnant women and disabled persons plus a single supporter of theirs
(People who purchase at the youngster & aged price are supposed to bring and show their proof of identity)
◎ Free admission: Children under 3 of age or under 100cm of height can get in the pard for free admission
※ Numbers of the together relative/friends
※More than 2 people (inclusive) will need to purchase additional tickets.
※ Fitting with the code to purchase the youngster &
write on the “其它” that how many people of Youngster & Aged

The information on the transportation bus
※ People who register for taking the ride of the transportation bus are supposed to check in by scanning the code on the event day. Those who registered but failed showing up for taking the bus have to pay $500/per person for making up the transportation fare.

Full bus to depart→ 07:00 Outside the southern gate of Hsinann factory
07:10 The wharf of Huko second factory/Swanxi Dormitory
Full bus to return→ 16:30-17:30

Boarding place
A. Outside the southern gate of Hsi
※ Will you take the ride of the transportaion bus
write on the “其它” that how many people take the bus,People above 4 years old will count taking one seat

※ Select the bus boarding place
It must be the same stop to take on/off the bus

About additional tickets
◎ The subsidy implements on all employees and plus a single person of their relatives or friends to take part in the event for free charges.
◎ Two or more relatives or friends of the employees can purchase the ticket by discounts
※ Amount to pay
Please sum up the amount of money by yourself in advance
※ Select payment location
Please complete the payment on time for the success of registration

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