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Internet radio station



Internet radio allows anyone to listen to audio content over the Internet, internetradiosender can be accessed through a web browser on your computer, smartphone or tablet. The Internet radio market is predicted to be a lucrative market for broadcasters and advertisers in the future.

Unlike digital radio, Internet radio is available worldwide without a physical transmitter. This is especially useful for people who live in rural areas or have poor DAB signal coverage, or for those who want to listen to music on their mobile phones while traveling abroad.

Another important advantage of internet radio is that it requires less resources and equipment than FM radio. All it takes to start an internet radio station is a computer with an Internet connection and the content you want to broadcast.

The global Internet radio market has grown rapidly over the past few years. This is due to the increasing Internet penetration in most parts of the world and its accessibility to multiple devices such as smartphones, tablets and computers.

The global Internet radio market is predicted to grow significantly in the near future, as more and more people are using their smartphones to access this type of content. In addition, the demand for MP3 audio formats is huge because they are compatible with many devices and can be downloaded in less time.


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Internet radio station (2023-02-16)(報名截止)
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