※ 真實姓名/Real Name: |
※ 信箱(務必留下能正常收信)/Email: |
※ 行動電話(務必留下能聯絡的)/Phone: |
※英文姓氏: |
※英文姓名: |
※臉書名稱與網址: |
※付款方式:Your Payment Method:
※承上題,您的匯款總金額(新台幣): |
※承上題,您的匯款日期(年/月/日):Remittance date: (MM/DD)
※承上題,您的匯款資訊(銀行末五碼):Your remittance information (If you pay via paypal, pls fill ′0′ and answer next question) |
※Paypal帳號[無paypal帳號,請提供交易編號(收據號)和付款信箱] 限Paypal付款者填寫: |
※想參加的活動項目:Activities you want to participate in:
※您是台灣地區以外的參加者嗎?: |
※您來自哪裡? (本地台灣人請填“0”): |
※您是國際黃金時代團隊的成員嗎 ?: |
空白行 |
光束點化報名區 / Initiation Registration Area 點化為額外付費活動!請有需要參與點化的人填寫!只參與會議者可直接跳過!
$$$ The Initiation is an additional paid activity! Please fill in those who want to participate in the initiation workshop. Only attending conference can skip here directly. |
一階光束點化 / Level I Ray Initiation Registration 從未參加過點化者,只能選擇一階光束點化,每人最多選擇3項一階的光束
Participants who have never joined initiation workshop or have never been initiated into a particular ray can only choose level one. Each participant can choose ′3′ level 1 rays at maximum. |
請選擇您「一階」點化的種類?最多三項:Please select the ′level 1′ ray you want to be initiated, up to three items.
最多勾選3項 |
二階光束點化 / Level II Ray Initiation Registration 報名二階點化者,最多能點化3項於之前的會議中已點化過的一階光束,且該一階光束已經練習3個月。
Participants who have practiced their level 1 rays for more than 3 months can be initiated into level 2. Three level 1 rays can be upgraded at maximum. |
★請選擇您「二階」點化的種類?最多三項:★Please select the ′level 2′ ray you want to be initiated, up to three items.
最多勾選3項 |
報名二階光束者 - 資料核對 ※ 請參加點化二階光束的人員於此欄位告知您是在哪一年、哪一場會議(會議名稱)進行過一階點化,以便核對。
※ Signing up for level 2 requires your information about when and where did you get initiated. Please leave a note for further verification. Anyone who insists on signing up for level 2 without level 1 basis will result in non-refundable disqualification. |
※若有報名二階光束,請提供相關資訊:If you sign-up for level 2 ray, please provide relevant information: |
※您是否已確實閱讀此報名表所有內容並且同意遵守報名表中所有內容與報名付款守則?: |
§ 請點此處填寫團體報名資料 |
總金額:***元 (依據人數計費:每人元) |