8:50-9:00 報到 9:00-10:20 LTA mobility group for cervical and shoulder: Examination, treatment based intervention, plan of care in clinical settings, and exercise progression 10:20-10:30 休息 10:30-12:00 Skill practice for cervical spine: Techniques for pain control, physiological movements (PPIVM), and accessory movements (PAIVM) 12:00-13:00 午休 13:00-14:30 Skill practice for cervical spine: Mulligan skill applications in LTA (headache skills, NAGs, and SNAGs) 14:30-14:40 休息 14:40-16:00 Home exercise education (self mobilization) and taping practice 16:00-17:00 Case demonstration (treatment planning and progression)
8:50-9:00 報到 9:00-10:20 Skill practice for shoulder: Joint mobilization and Mulligan skill applications in LTA (MWM for shoulder pain and shoulder range of motion limitation) 10:20-10:30 休息 10:30-12:00 Skill practice for elbow: Joint mobilization and Mulligan skill applications in LTA (MWM for lateral and medial elbow pain and elbow range of motion limitation) 12:00-13:00 午休 13:00-14:30 Skill practice for wrist: Joint mobilization and Mulligan skill applications in LTA (MWM for wrist pain and wrist range of motion limitation in both weight bearing and non-weight bearing situations) 14:30-14:40 休息 14:40-16:00 Home exercise education (self mobilization) and taping practice 16:00-17:00 Case demonstration (functional approach and exercise progression)