Wikidatacon 作為全球最大的 Wikidata 交流會議,我們關注的不單單只有 Wikidata 本身,包含提供 Wikidata 的平台技術:Wikibase,以及從 Wikidata 延伸出去的鏈結資料生態系,都是我們討論的焦點。
今年主題"鏈結資料 Koh(再)發現:Wikidata 的跨領域匯流",主題將著重在跨領域資料的交流,並且更加重視在地資料如何與國際對話與鏈結。在今年度的徵稿中,我們重視資料的多樣性在 Wikidata、Wikibase 上被呈現,包含但不限於在地的語言、文化、民俗、藝術與知識。
在本次我們也歡迎學術投稿,如果任何研究議題想要在 Wikidatacon 上面進行發表,我們也會安排對應主題的教授進行評論,請注意學術投稿內容僅限臺灣實體發表。
Wikidata and Wikibase, which then includes, but is not restricted to local languages, cultures, folklore, arts, and knowledge.
Chinese (zh) and English (en) are the primary languages spoken at this conference. We encourage participants to include their mother tongue contents, in either Chinese or English submissions.
We also welcome academic proposals in this round. If any research topic is to be published during WikidataCon, we will arrange a professor of this field to review the submission.
The event is divided into a Taiwan on-site session and an international online session. The Taiwan session will be held between October 28 10:00 - 17:00 - October 29 10:00 - 17:00 (GMT+8), meanwhile, the online session is available between October 28 to October 30, 0500 (GMT+8).
Unless you are able to join the on-site event in Taiwan, your contribution will be an online pre-recorded video. Sessions held on-site in the venue in Taiwan will also be broadcasted online.
Please select the time zone that works best for you. Even if you choose your venue location to be in Taiwan, you can still present your talk online.
All presentations will be recorded, live-streamed, and made available online, with a CC-BY license after the event. By submitting your talk, you agree to license your content under a CC-BY SA license.
WikidataCon 2023 will NOT provide any transport or accommodation scholarships for participants or speakers.
All proposals please adhere to Wikimedia Universal Code of Conduct.
We are offering 3 types of submissions in our Call for Proposals, mainly categorized by the length of the program sessions, which are Sharing, General and Academic Sessions.