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台灣年度HEMA集會-2024 Clash of Steel 史實歐洲武術嘉年華



史實歐洲武術HEMA,是20世紀在歐美開始的一項研究活動,藉由對於手稿的解讀還原那些失去了活人傳承的武術,也藉此復興歷史文化。在亞洲,有越來越多人也因著對外國文化的好奇和對於武術的追尋而愛上HEMA,全身全心地投入。屬於亞洲的HEMA集會-Clash of Steel,歡迎各位報名參加!

Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA) is an endeavor started in the 20th century in the US and Europe, its aim is to reconstruct European martial arts that has its lineage broken through the interpretation of period manuscripts. In Asia, more and more people are joining the movement, either based on the fascination with a foreign culture, or through a passion for martial arts.  A HEMA event for Asia - Clash of Steel. We invite everyone to join us.

活動簡介 Introduction:https://wp.me/PctlJJ-3i

比賽規則Tournament Ruleshttps://hemaunion.com/clash-of-steel-比賽規則

活動日期 Date:2024.6.29~30

活動時間 Time:09:00-21:00
活動地點 Location:三重國民運動中心

活動地址 Address:新北市三重區集美街55號
No. 55, Jimei St., Sanchong Dist., New Taipei City 241, Taiwan

比賽報名截止日期(Tournament register expiration):2024/6/16

講座報名截止日期(Workshop register expiration):2024/6/24

參加方案 Event Passes(皆不包括餐點 Meals not included.):

【A】HEMA初心者/HEMA Apprentice:任選5堂課。 Participate 5 Workshops.

【B】HEMA冠軍/HEMA Champion:參加一種比賽(長劍/刺劍)+任選2堂課。 1 Tournament (Longsword or Rapier tournament) + pariticipate 2 Workshops.

【C】HEMA典範者/HEMA Paragon:長劍+刺劍比賽+不限堂數任選課程 (不參賽亦可)附贈2張單日票供同行者使用。 Longsword + Rapier Tournament+UNLIMITED Workshops.(Tournament attendance optional)

 , addition have two hall pass tickets for companion use.

【當日票Hall Pass】:單日自由進出,可以參加體驗活動,但是不含課程與比賽。Free to visit event and join the experiencement event, but workshops and tournaments not included.

參加費用 Fee

☆When transferring through PayPal, please transfer the NTD amount listed, which includes the PayPal transaction fee.

【A】為 台幣2500元 / NTD 2615

【B】為 台幣3000元 / NTD 3135。
【C】為 台幣4000元 / NTD 4180。

【單日票Hall Pass】為 台幣800元 / NTD 840。
※各種入場方案若有額外上課需求,每堂課 台幣500元

※Those on Passes can spend additional NTD 525 for every extra workshop.

比賽裝備租借費用 Extra Equipment Fee

需租借鋼劍 台幣300元。Need to rent feder NTD 315.
需租借護具 台幣300元。Need to rent gear NTD 315.
需租借鋼劍+全套護具 台幣600元。Need to rent feder and all gear NTD 630.

匯款資料 Payment:

▲銀行名稱:808玉山銀行 三重分行

Paypal:[email protected]

報名截止日期 Registration Deadline:
一般講座報名 General admission:2024.6.24

比賽、講師、廠商報名 Tournament, Instructors and Vendors:2024.6.16

講師與廠商請寄Email 報名:[email protected]

Instructor and Vendors please contact Email[email protected]

更多資訊,請按讚關注臉書 Clash of Steel 粉絲頁,我們會不定期更新活動資訊,包括講師介紹、課程內容和比賽資訊喔!

More Info please "Like" Facebook Page Clash of Steel 粉絲頁.



地點:新北市三重區集美街55號 (三重國民運動中心 2樓籃球場)
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