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1. Organizer unit: Taiwan Orienteering Association


2.Requirement: Individuals or groups of orienteering enthusiasts



3. Entries: Register directly, but anyone who does nothave the ability to follow the rules of orienteering competitions should notregister. Otherwise, all responsibilities shall be borne by the applicant.


4. Event date: 10 March 2024(Sunday)


5.Event venue: New Taipei City Xinzhuang Sports Park



















6. Class: Participants can cross classchallenges according to their own conditions

(a) M12(male): Born on or after 1January 2012

(b) W12(female): Born on or after 1 January2012

(c) M16(male): Born on or after 1January 2008

(d) W16(female): Born on or after 1January 2008

(e) M21(male): Born on or after 1January 2005

(f) W21(female): Born on or after 1January 2005

(g) M35(male): Born on or after 1January 1978

(h) W35(female): Born on or after 1January 1978

(i) M45(male): Born on or before 1January 1979

(j) W45(female): Born on or before 1January 1979

(k) ME(elite,male): elite, male ,No age limit

(l) WE(elite,fmale): elite, fmale ,No age limit

(m) KF(parents and children): parentsand children ,Suitable for beginners, 2 of the same family, age and gender arenot limited.

(n) CATI(come and try it): Suitablefor beginners, couple, age and gender are not limited.






()繳費方式:銀行匯款:  陽信銀行北投分行【銀行代碼 108

             銀行帳號:  003-45-000045-3

                 名: 台灣定向運動協會





7. Entry details:

(a)Deadline: 3 March 2023, the late willnot be ranked.

(b) Requirement:  Participants must be in good health. If they sufferfrom heart disease, cerebral hemorrhage, high blood pressure, etc., they arenot suitable for participation. If the participants conceal their illnesses,all responsibilities shall be borne by the participants themselves. After the register,the applicant is deemed to have met and agreed to the terms of "ParticipationEligibility".

(c) Entry fee: NT$ 500/person forsolo class, NT$ 1000/team for PC and CATI class

Please remit the money in advance.If the payment is made on site, an additional NT$ 50 will be charged.

(d) Payment method:

Remittance: Sunny Bank, Beitoubranch (bank code 108)

Account no.: 003-45-000045-3

Account name: Taiwan OrienteeringAssociation (台灣定向運動協會)

(e) Register method: Please fill in the form directly from theBeClass online registration system webpage(https://www.beclass.com/rid=284d74965bab445323dc).After filling out the form, please pay the fee as soon as possible, and thensend the payment receipt to TWOA by email: frank7562b@yahoo.com.tw

(f) After receiving the registrationform, the applicant list will be published on Taiwan Orienteering AssociationFB website (https://www.facebook.com/twoa.org/) in the event discussion area.Applicants are requested to confirm the list by themselves.

(g) The participants' instructionsand registration location will be announced on 3 days before competition.


8. Quota: 100 persons



9. Rules:

(a) The IOF Rules 2023 applies tothe race.

(b) It will be started at intervaltime for the same class, and the start order will be determined by lottery.

十、比賽設備:() 使用Chinahealth電子打卡及計時系統。



10. Equipment:

(a) Using the Chinahealth electronicpunching and timing system

(b) If the electronic punch card islost, each shall be compensated NT$ 1,000.

(c) After the competition, returnthe electronic punch card at the result download station.


11. Prizes: Medals will be awardedto the top 3 competitors of each class. Certificates will be awarded to the top6 competitors. There is no award for the CATI class.




12. Punishment:

(a) If the competitors are notqualified or impersonated. After checking to be true, their qualifications andresults will be cancelled.

(b) If a competitor disobeys thereferee or has disorderly conduct, the chief referee may disqualify thecompetitor.


()    訴:填具申訴說明書,述明申訴人姓名,以書面方式向審判委員提出,並需附繳納保證金新台幣貳仟元整。申訴以審判委員會判決為最終判決,經審判委員會判決申訴無理者,得沒收其保證金。所有的申訴,應於比賽成績正式公佈後三十分鐘內以書面方式向競賽組提出。



(a)Fill out the appeal statement, state the name of the complainant and submit itto the adjudicating committee in writing. And a security deposit of NT$2,000 isrequired. The judgment of the adjudication committee shall be the finaljudgment for the appeal. If the adjudication committee judges that the appealis unreasonable, the security deposit may be confiscated. All appeals should besubmitted to the competition team in writing within 30 minutes after theofficial announcement of the competition results.

(2)During the competition, the athletes shall not interfere with or question theperformance of the referee's tasks.


14.The organizer is responsible for theinterpretation of this regulation, and further notice will be made for mattersnot covered.


地點:242台灣新北市新莊區和興街66號新北市新莊體育園區 (新莊運動公園)
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