一、宗 旨:為積極推廣沿徑定向運動,提高全民對沿徑定向運動之認識,進而達到全民運動目的,並選拔沿徑定向的優秀選手。
1.Aim : Topromote trail O , and let all people to understand trail O.Then, to achieve thegoal of the national sports. It is opportunity for selecting the outstanding trailO athletes.
2.Advising Organizer : NewTaipei City Government Sport Office, Taiwan Orienteering Association
3.Host Organizer : New TaipeiCity Sport Association
4.Undertake Organizer : New Taipei City Sport AssociationOrienteering Committee
5.Acting Organizer : I-Taiwan Orienteering Club, Zack Taiwan Children OutdoorSchool
六、時 間: 2024年3月9日
6.Date : 9 March 2024
7.Venue : New Taipei CityXinzhuang Sports Park
8.Items &Classes : National class, Foreigner class
項目 Item | 精確賽(PreO): 按序到訪檢查點,並設有計時檢查點 | 速決賽(TempO): 須按序前往各站,選擇符合檢查點提示描述的定向旗,總耗時最短為勝 |
地圖 Map | 彩色地圖:比例 1:4000、等高距2米、2024版 採用 ISSOM2007 標準地圖及國際檢查點提示符號 Colour map : Scale 1:4000, C.I. 2m, Edit in 2020 (with ISSOM 2007 & IOF Control Descriptions) | 彩色地圖:1:2000、等高距2米、2024年版 採用 ISSOM2007 標準地圖及國際檢查點提示符號 Colour map : Scale 1:2000, C.I. 2m, Edit in 2020 (with ISSOM 2007 & IOF Control Descriptions) |
組別 Class | 菁英組(E) Elite(E) | 初級公開組(B) Basic Open(B) |
技術難度 Level | 困難 Difficult | 容易 Easy |
適合對象 Object | 外國選手或審核通過之對象 Foreigner competitors or Approved national competitors | 沿徑定向初學者 Beginner |
報名費 Entry fee | PreO +TempO : TWD1,000/人person | PreO +TempO : TWD600/人person |
l 2024免審核之精確賽菁英組選手Approved preO elite competitors :許永昌、江衍皇、傅韋錚、金鈺庭、陳志祥、傅珩育、金崇樸、徐群逸、張文睿、曾奕喬
l 2024免審核之速決賽菁英組選手Approved tempO elite competitors : 許永昌、江衍皇、傅韋錚、金鈺庭、陳志祥、傅珩育、金崇樸、徐群逸、張文睿、曾奕喬
十、賽事流程Event Procedure:
3/9上午-速決賽(TempO) 9:00-9:30 賽事中心開放 Event Center open 9:30-10:00 選手依照出發名單指定時間出發 Competitors start according to start list 10:00-11:30 出發區關閉,終點及成績處理站開放 Start Close, Finish and Result Processing station open 11:30-12:00 賽區、終點及成績處理站關閉,發放結構圖 Competition area, Finish and Result Processing station close, solution map distributiont |
3/9下午-精確賽(PreO) 14:00-14:30 賽事中心開放 Event Center Open 14:30-15:00 選手依照出發名單指定時間出發 Competitors start according to start list 15:00-16:30 出發區關閉,終點及成績處理站開放 Start Close, Finish and Result Processing station open 16:30-16:50 賽區、終點及成績處理站關閉,發放結構圖 Competition area, Finish and Result Processing station close, solution map distribution 16:50-17:20 成績公佈,接受投訴,頒獎 Result release, receive protests and prize presentation 17:30 賽事結束End of event |
According to actual condition, event procedure may be changed. Details willbe published in Bulletin 2.
十一、主要工作人員 Key Officials
賽事主持Organizer | 林士斌先生(Mr Lin Shyhbin) |
地圖繪製Mapper | 李德根先生(Mr Akune Li Takkun) |
路線設計Course setter | 林士斌先生(Mr Lin Shyhbin) 李德根先生(Mr Akune Li Takkun) |
12. Entries :
(A)(1) Entry fee : includeinsurance, map, bid, use of equipment
組別 Class | 菁英組 Elite | 初級公開組 Basic Open |
精確賽 PreO+速決賽 TempO | NT1000/人NT1000/person | NT600/人 NT600/person |
(2)Online registration
After fill the registration form and remit the fee, please send the remittancereceipt jpeg file tofrank7562b@yahoo.com.tw
【3】截止日期:即日起至 2024年3月3日23:59截止。
(3) Deadline : 23:59, 3 March2024
(4)Payment method :
銀行匯款: 陽信銀行北投分行【銀行代碼 108】
Remittance by bank : SunnyBank Beitou Branch (bank code 108)
銀行帳號: 003-45-000045-3
Bank account : 003-45-000045-3
戶 名: 台灣定向運動協會
Account name : Taiwan Orienteering Association
(5)Expected number of participants : 30
(B)Detail event informationwill be send before 2days by email, also check the information online https://www.facebook.com/twoa.org/。
(C)Enquiries by phone : 0927-313175
CompetitionRules for IOF Trail Orienteering Events apply to this event. Chinahealthelectronic recording system and traditional punching will be used in thisevent.
十四、菁英組免審核及升降標準Approved and lifting standard of Elite class:
1. 採本協會及台灣其他單位所舉辦之沿徑定向比賽近2年菁英組成績作為免審核標準。.
According to the Elite class trail O result thelast 2years, it approves the Elite qualification in this event
2. 國外選手可直接參加菁英組。
Foreign competitors may enter direct to Eliteclass.
3. 若本國選手列為菁英組者連續2年未參賽菁英組比賽(除非當年有國外成績),隔年需調回高級組。
If national competitors are listed as Eliteclass and do not entry competition on Elite class in last 2 years. Must bereturned to Advance class in next year.
Last 3 positions of Elite class in this eventmust be returned to Advance class in next year, unless there are results offoreign competitions in the year. Top 3 of Advance class may be entered toElite class in next year.
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