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Daniil Ryabko Systema Seminar in Taipei, Taiwan 2024.8.3&4研習會報名表registration form



Daniil Ryabko要來台北囉!!

大家喜歡的Daniil終於要再來台北給我們指導了!!距離他上次2018年來台灣已經過去了6年,期間我們經歷了疫情,經歷了大師離我們而去,終於,在2024年8 月Daniil要再次拜訪台灣,為Systema帶來嶄新的篇章!

Daniil五歲開始由西斯特瑪創始者的父親Mikhail Ryabko學習武術。大學專業為刑事司法領域,畢業後進入軍校,而後以尉官級服役於特種部隊,目前已除役。他的教學風格有他父親的影子,深入淺出,能夠啟發每一位學員。





Daniil Ryabko is coming to Taipei!!

Everyone's favorite Daniil is finally coming back to Taipei to guide us again!! It has been six years since his last visit to Taiwan in 2018. During this period, we experienced the pandemic and the passing of the master. Finally, in August 2024, Daniil will visit Taiwan once more to bring a new chapter to Systema.

Daniil began learning martial arts at the age of five from his father, Mikhail Ryabko, the founder of Systema. He majored in criminal justice in college and, after graduation, entered a military academy. He then served as an officer in the special forces and is now retired. His teaching style reflects that of his father, being straightforward and insightful, capable of inspiring every student.

During this visit to Taipei, Daniil will focus on the themes of relaxation and power, sharing and exploring these concepts with everyone. Whether you are a Systema practitioner or a martial arts enthusiast, this is an opportunity not to be missed.

The two-day, 12-hour seminar will be conducted in English with Chinese translation on-site. Don't miss this rare opportunity! Detailed registration information will be announced soon, so stay tuned. We look forward to welcoming everyone in Taipei to join this grand event, learning from Daniil, and exploring the infinite possibilities of Systema together.

There will also be a 2-hour extra class the day before the seminar, and everyone is welcome to attend.

Overseas participants, please pay on-site.  Registration before 2024/7/3 is needed.

加課(Extra lesson)    
2024.8.2   19:30-21:30

研討會(Seminar )

2024.8.3 Sat, 

   09:00-09:30             報到 registration

    09:30-12:30, 13:30-16:30  訓練 training 

2024.8.4  Sun, 

  09:30-12:30, 13:30-16:30  訓練 training 

報名費 price:

加課(Extra lesson) :
*NTD 3500     


*一天(1day)             NTD 5000     
*兩天(2days)            NTD 10000    


Please fill in the following information to register. Detailed information will be further notified via email.

  • No refunds will be issued for personal reasons if a participant cannot attend the event.
  • This does not apply if the event is canceled due to weather-related venue closures or reasons attributable to the organizer.


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Daniil Ryabko Systema Seminar in Taipei, Taiwan 2024.8.3&4研習會報名表registration form (2024-08-03)(報名截止)
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Extra lesson & Special lesson

海外參加 Overseas participants

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