※ 姓名:
※ Email:
※ 行動電話:
※ 身分證字號:
FB name名稱(Messenger name名稱):
報名攤主請注意!! Sellers Attention !!
Please read the following regulations carefully and comply with the following regulations and fill in the form truthfully.
報名攤主請注意!! Sellers Attention !!
※ 場次及攤位數量Date and booth amount:此場次共有三種攤位類型:1.騎樓下 2.帳篷 3.陽傘,並於攤主名單公告時一併告知抽中之攤位類型,無法於報名時事先指定
11/30(六)台南場 、價格:399元
12/01(日)台南場 、價格:399元
※ 預計販售的親子二手商品 What do you want to sell?:
※ 關於攤位商品必須知道的事must know about booth:閱讀後請全部勾選並請務必遵守(Please tick all after reading and be sure to abide by )
市集嚴禁商家大量販售全新品與跟親子二手主題無關之商品The market strictly prohibits merchants from selling new products and non-parents and children products 容許家長賣少量家中用不到的全新親子商品,全新親子商品加起來總件數不可超過30件!Parents are allowed to sell a small number of new products. The total number of new parent-child products cannot exceed 30 pieces. 容許家長賣少量全新或二手難以界定是否為親子的商品(如:露營桌,寵物用品,行李箱,布料,保溫杯....),此類商品加起來總件數不可超過10件!Parents are allowed to sell a small amount of new or second-hand products that are difficult to determine whether they are parent-child (such as: camping tables, pet supplies, luggage, fabrics, thermos cups...), and the total number of such products cannot exceed 10. 全新親子商品加起來總件數不可超過30件。並且,少量二手難以界定是否為親子的商品加起來總件數不可超過10件 ,並且上列物品整體陳列面積不得超過20%的比例。The total number of new parent-child products cannot exceed 30 pieces. In addition, the total number of a small number of second-hand products that are difficult to identify as parent-child products cannot exceed 10, and the overall display area of the above-mentioned items must not exceed 20%. 小老闆可以賣自己手作的商品、遊戲攤位或彩繪指甲等服務,但是大人不行喔!若小老闆離席,則須暫停販售該商品!Little bosses can sell their own handmade goods, but adults can′t! If little bosses leaves the table, the sale of the product must be suspended! 不管大人小孩都不可販售飲料點心喔!Regardless of whether you are an adult or a child, you are not allowed to sell drinks and snacks! 不管大人小孩都不可販售大量全新品,倒店貨,庫存品喔!Regardless of whether you are an adult or a child, you are not allowed to sell a large number of brand new products! 請勿攜帶總數超過30件的新品,否則黑名單處置。同理,不管是小老闆遊戲攤位或是單純贈品,攤主所攜帶的新品總數都只能30件以內!Please do not bring more than 30 new products in total, otherwise you will be blacklisted. In the same way, whether it is a little bosses game booth or a simple gift, the total number of new products carried by the stall owner can only be limited to 30 pieces! 若是餐飲或農畜牧產品或商家企業欲參加市集請私訊小樹市集FB小編詢問報名事宜。If you want to participate in the market in catering, agricultural and animal husbandry products or businesses, please send a private message to Little Tree Market FB editor to inquire about registration.
對於小樹市集有什麼問題與意見呢?Any questions or suggestions?:
1. Seller application is accepted online. We will notify you via e-mail once your application is accepted and registered.
2. Please bring any tables, signs, hangers, etc.
3. Please pay the booth fee according to the remittance account provided in the notification letter. You may lose your spot if you are late.
4. Check-in time starts 90 minutes before the market starts. Please check in and set up your booth at 11:00.
5.1 We draw lots to decide booth assignment.
5.2 Seller can seek other arrangement with other sellers on the day of.
6. If Seller is not able to participate, please apply for leave according to the notice letter. Booth fee is not refundable if the seller is no show.
7. Please resolve any transaction disputes with your customers by yourself.
8. Please do not be late and check in before you set up. If you need to leave early,
please clean up and have your assigned spot checked by our staff before you leave.
9. Please keep the public area clean and take your belongings and waste with you.
10. Please bring your own bags and change for your customers.
11. There’s public restroom available.
12. We reserve the right to modify, suspend or terminate this event at any time.
■ We will ask you to leave if following violation occurred:
1. The selling item listed on Registration form is different than the actual item sold.
2. Selling illegal goods or drugs.
3. Selling lots of brand new products.
※ 必選題!:
總金額 此金額為系統自動加總僅供參考,請依實際勾選物品金額為主
§ 請點此處填寫團體報名資料
總金額: *** 元(依據人數計費:每人 元)