Join us in appreciating the captivating beauty of Taijiang. Embark on a guided tour bus journey, where you will traverse distinctive landmarks, gaining insights into the ecological environment, cultural heritage, and opportunities for bird watching, and more.
【Organizer】:Taijiang National Park Headquarters. National Park Service, Ministry of the Interior.
【Registration deadline】:Based on the registration form, or until all spots are filled.
【一日遊】:黑琵台江線 Black-faced Spoonbill Taijiang Line
時間 | 地點 | 內容說明 |
08:50 | 香格里拉飯店對面公車站 | 集合報到 |
09:40 | 七股賞鳥亭 | 觀看望遠鏡、聽導覽解說 |
10:30 | 六孔遊客中心 | 欣賞生態影片 |
12:00 | 龍山社區(龍山宮) | 自由用餐時間 |
13:30 | 觀海樓 | 生態豐富,有機會近距離看到候鳥 |
15:00 | 四草大眾廟 | 搭船遊台江內海 |
16:30 | 返程 | 預計17:30前回到上車點 |
■ 若遇天候不佳或不可抗拒之因素,主辦單位保有取消或變更行程的權利。
■ 若遇天候不佳或不可抗拒之因素,致當日活動被迫取消,可接受改期一次或全額退費。☛活動三日前取消,須扣除活動相關支出,酌收15%活動費用(例:活動日12/23,12/20 17:00前申請取消可退85%報名費)☛活動一日前取消,須扣除活動相關支出,不可退費,但可更換班次(限更改一次)
▲退費作業一律採用人工聯繫,作業時間不含六日及國定假日。【Refund Policy】: Please read the following refund policy carefully before registering:
■ In case of inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances, the organizer reserves the right to cancel or modify the itinerary.
■ If the activity is forced to cancel due to inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances, participants can choose to reschedule once or receive a full refund.
■ Refund amounts for personal cancellations are as follows:
☛ Cancelled three days before the activity: 15% deduction for related expenses (e.g., for an activity on December 23, cancellation before 17:00 on December 20 can refund 85% of the registration fee).
☛ Cancelled one day before the activity: No refund, but participants can change the session once (limited to one change).
☛ Same-day cancellation or failure to notify non-participation: No refund and no option to change the session.
Refunds are processed manually. For refund requests, please get in touch with the organizer at +886 909-524-480 (Peace Marketing Co.,平實公司).
▲ Refund operations are handled manually and do not include Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays.
▲ Refund processing may take 7-14 working days, and the refunded amount will be returned to your designated account.
✿ If the scheduled departure is delayed for any reason, the organizer will announce it on the website.
✿ Due to the proximity of the tour route and attractions to ecological conservation areas, unauthorized entry is prohibited. According to National Park regulations, violators may be fined NT$3,000.
✿ Each participant is insured with a Public Liability Insurance of NT$2 million, and each vehicle is insured with Passenger Liability Insurance of NT$2 million, Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance of NT$2 million, and Mutual Benefit Insurance of NT$2 million. In the activity of an accident occurring during the insurance period, the insured party will be compensated according to the terms of the insurance policy issued by the insurance company. The organizer will provide necessary emergency medical assistance on-site, excluding pre-existing conditions.
✿ In case of natural disasters or inclement weather beyond human control, the organizer may cancel the activity for safety reasons to ensure the participants' safety.
✿ Filming, photography, etc., during the activity are copyrighted by the organizer and may be used for activity records, news releases, and subsequent marketing purposes. If you do not agree, please inform us, and previously published materials can be removed.
✿ The organizer reserves the right to change, suspend, or cancel activity content. For the latest activity updates, please visit the official website. The organizer may amend and announce any unmentioned matters at any time without prior notice.
【For inquiries related to registration, please contact Customer Service】:
✿ Monday to Sunday: +886 909-524-480 (09:00-12:00 / 13:00-17:00 GMT+8)
✿ Add LINE@ friend: @633tprqm (remember to add @) or click the link
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