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祖古貝瑪2025年一月份法會  Tulku Pema teachings in January 2025

時間 Time:2025124星期五晚上7(台灣). 24th Jan 2025 Friday 7 pm (Taiwan)





  1. 佛教簡介
  2. 皈依
  3. 七支祈請文與頂果法王和米滂仁波切的上師瑜珈



如有疑問,請寄郵件: prabhasvara.dharmata@gmail.com

Tulku Pema is a Tibetan Buddhist master who is the reincarnation of the late Ven. Lama Kan Tsao. H.H.Jigdral Dagchen Rinpoche of the Sakya Phuntso Phodrang recognized his reincarnation. 

After his recognition and enthronement, he started his education and graduated from the Dzongsar Institute in India, one of today’s most prestigious Buddhist philosophical education institutions. He has received many teachings from some of the most important Sakya masters of our times, such as H.H. Sakya Trichen Rinpoche, H.H.Jigdral Dagchen Rinpoche, and H.E. Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche.

Rinpoche’s warm and inviting approach illuminates the path of the profound Dharma, making it accessible to everyone. Whether you’re just starting out or a veteran, his nurturing guidance creates a supportive atmosphere where you can feel at ease and confident in your journey.

Rinpoche will be bestowing the following teachings:

1. 1.Introduction to Buddhism

2. 2.Refuge

3. 3.7-line prayers and Guru Yoga transmission from Mipham Rinpoche and Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

Webinar link: It willbe sent by email to the approved applicants.

Attending the teaching: Due to the platform's limitations, this teaching will be mainly open to students in Taiwan. Those from other regions interested in participating, please also send an email message with your area of origin, and we will review your request on a case-by-case basis. 

Please email if you have any question: prabhasvara.dharmata@gmail.com

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BeClass 線上報名系統

祖古貝瑪2025年一月份法會 (2025-01-24)(報名截止)

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