BeClass 線上報名系統

台灣年度HEMA集會-2024 Clash of Steel 史實歐洲武術嘉年華 (2024-06-29)(報名截止)
※ 姓名Name
※ Email
※ 聯絡電話
比賽選手英文名English Name
參加比賽的選手務必要填Must fill if you will join the tournament
請填護照上的名字Please fill the name on the passport
※ 性別 Gender

※ 身分證字號 Passport Number
報到核對身分用 For Check in
※ 所屬社團 Group Name
方案說明 Event Passes
【A】HEMA初心者/HEMA Apprentice:任選5堂課。 Participate 5 Workshops.
【B】HEMA冠軍/HEMA Champion:參加一種比賽(長劍/刺劍)+任選2堂課。 1 Tournament (Longsword or Rapier tournament)+ Participate 2 Workshops.
【C】HEMA典範者/HEMA Paragon:長劍+刺劍比賽+不限堂數任選課程(不參賽亦可),附贈2張單日票供同行者使用。 Longsword+Rapier Tournament+UNLIMITED Workshops.(Tournament attendance optional), addition have two hall pass tickets for companion use.
【單日票Hall Pass】:單日自由進出,可以參加體驗活動,但是不含課程與比賽。One day free to visit event and join the experience workshop, but normal worksho
Passes Fee
☆When transferring through PayPal, please transfer the NTD amount listed, which includes the PayPal transaction.
※ 參加方案 Event Passes:
(總量 80)
》報名期間 2022-10-20 00:002024-02-18 23:30
(總量 80)
》報名期間 2022-10-20 00:002024-02-18 23:30
(總量 80)
》報名期間 2022-02-14 23:302024-06-28 23:30
(總量 80)
》報名期間 2022-02-14 23:302024-06-16 23:30
(總量 80)
》報名期間 2022-02-14 23:302024-06-28 23:30
(總量 100)
(總量 50)
※ 比賽項目 Tournament
(總量 36、外加候補10)
》報名期間 2022-10-20 00:002024-06-16 23:30
(總量 17、外加候補7)
》報名期間 2022-10-20 00:002024-06-16 23:30
(總量 99)
比賽額外裝備租借費用 Extra Gear Rental Fee for tournament
護檔請自備,不提供租借。No rental groin protection available!
匯款資訊 Payment Information

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The registration time has ended, thank you for your support!

有任何問題都可以詢問我們,FaceBook 搜尋【Clash of Steel】
For event-related rules and precautions, please refer to the event official website. If you have any questions, you can ask us, search "Clash of Steel"on Facebook