BeClass 線上報名系統

礁溪鄉中秋節盪鞦韆Jiaoxi Township Mid-Autumn Festival Swing Competition(報名日期:113年8月21日起至9月11日) (2024-09-14)(報名截止)
※ 姓名 name
※ 行動電話 telephone
身分證字號 ID card
本國人必填,僅供此活動承保保險使用。外國人不必填寫。Locals must fill in, For insurance coverage purposes only for this event , foreigners do not need to fill in.
護照號碼Passport Number (Mandatory for Foreigners)
外國人必填,僅供此活動承保保險使用,本國人不必填寫 Foreigners must fill in, For insurance coverage purposes only for this event , locals do not need to fill in.
※ 台灣人: 身分證正面/For Foreigners:Upload the passport page
台灣人上傳: 身分證正面/外國人上傳: 護照內頁(需含護照號碼)僅供此活動承保保險使用。For Taiwanese Citizens: Upload the front side of your ID card. For Foreigners: Upload the passport page (must include passport number).For insurance coverage purposes only for this event.
※ 性別 gender

※ 出生西元年/月/日 Date of birth
※ 聯絡地址 Contact address
※ 礁溪鄉盪鞦韆Jiaoxi Township Mid-Autumn Festival Swing Co
※報名前請再次確定組別※Please confirm your division before registering※
(總量 50)
(總量 20)
(總量 60)
(總量 20)
※ 紀念服尺寸 Commemorative Shirt Sizes

